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The cursor on the screen blinked as Spencer's fingers hovered over the keys, she deleted the few words she had typed

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The cursor on the screen blinked as Spencer's fingers hovered over the keys, she deleted the few words she had typed.

It was difficult to find the words to say because she had so many.  Spencer knew how betrayal stung especially when you had the physical scars to remember them.


How are you?

She deleted what she typed again.

The only way she knew to contact Amalea was through email, after everything happened she relocated overseas and left no number or return address. The only thing she had left was the personal email Amalea had in college.

Amedeo walked into the office to see his wife typing on the home computer, he looked over her shoulder to see her writing his sister and her best friend.

He put a hand on her shoulder and it sagged under the weight.

"She's never going to come back" Spencer said blankly staring at the screen.

Amedeo glanced down at his wife and stroked the back of her head, "she'll come back when she's ready."

Spencer wanted to laugh, had he not learned that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

If he hadn't strong armed her into coming back she wouldn't be with him either.

But she would save this conversation for another day, just because they had phenomenal sex doesn't mean their marital problems were resolved.

She forgot how to be around him. His presence commanded recogntion and space, and it reminded her she was deserving of taking up space too. Growing up she was used to doing what she was told and fading into the background so her parents could do what they needed to. She used to be agreeable at the expense her self, the ultimate people pleaser. Amedeo showed her how not to be one.

For a moment they were quiet, she reflected on how she used to be and who she was now. She glanced up at her husband who was already looking down at her, his eyes shining like emerald gems.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the leather seat and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling them chest to chest. "Would you accompany me on a date this evening?" He said rocking them back and forth.

Spencer's brow arched in question "a date?"

"Mhm, a date. I gotta make my wife fall back in love with me" he said confidently.

She peered up at him with her dark brown eyes and her hands slid down his muscular back intrigued by his statment. Love made people do bad things.

"Okay" she agreed, in order to catch

Amedeo interest was piqued in how quickly she agreed, she was up to something. He gave her an easy going smile and his hands wondered down to her generous ass and she jumped at his grip.

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