The Devil Doesn't Like Me

Start from the beginning

"Coming!" A cheery familiar voice calls out.

The door opens as Mrs. Sanchez wipes her hands across her apron. The aroma of fresh oatmeal raisin cookies that pumplets out the door way is enough to send Amethyst's mouth watering.

"Come in, come in!" She ushers Amethyst in. Tossing her bag next to the couch, Amethyst follows Dalton's mother Chrissy, through the dinning room into the kitchen. Dalton is pulling a pan out of the over and taking the cookies off and setting them on the counter when she enters.

He looks up and smiles.


"Hey." She mumbles suddenly awkward. Cracking her knuckles she looks to Chrissy who is pulling out plates.

"Amethyst?" Dalton asks as he sets the hot pan in the sink and begins washing it.

"Can you call for Miri? She is in her room doing homework. Tell her dinner is ready."

"Sure no problem."

With a satified sigh, Amethyst sits her fork on the table. Her plate is now empty of breaded chicken breast and fresh greenbeans. The only evidence is the crumbs that dot her lips and plate. Wiping her mouth with a napkin, Amethyst reaches for an oatmeal cookie. It is still warm in her hand.

"Thank you so much for dinner. It was delicious."

Mrs. Sanchez stands up gathering the empty plates, "Oh dear, Dalton made that all himself. Isn't he an excellent cook?"

Amethyst looks at Dalton skeptically, "You?"

His neck and face flushes as he scoffs awkwards.

"Pft, you know my mom. Always exaggerating. I am not that good-"

"Oh course you are honey! I know it is not something you share a lot but you are an excellent cook and I think you should accept that offer from The Culinary Institute of America."

Dalton turns towards his mother with his eyes wide, "Will you be quiet? Nobody is suppose to know about that except you guys!"

She giggles and winks at Amethyst, "I am sure Amy won't tell anyone."

Amethyst bite half of her cookie and raises her left hand, "I won't-" She swallows, "-tell a soul. Besides, I thought the only thing you were good at was playing football, being lazy, acing your tests and cause a scene. Who knew mister-I-don't-do-any-work-but-still-ace-everything could cook. Maybe it was Miri who can actually cook? I mean she is the better Sanchez child."

Dalton shoots Miri a silent glare as she laughs at Amethyst's comment. Amethyst finishes her cookie. "Go to hell."

"Dalton-" His mother gasps, before Amethyst leans backwards with her hands clasped together behind her head in a stretch before crossing her arms on the table.

"Been there already. Devil doesn't like me and sent me back. Apparently sarcasm isn't his forte."

Dalton rolls his eyes at her comment and begins to help clear the table. Mrs. Sanchez lays a hand on his shoulder.

"I got it. You and Amethyst go do your homework. Miri can help clean the table." 

Leaving Miri grumbing about being the youngest, Dalton and Amethyst sprint up the steps to Dalton's room after grabbing her bag.

Unlike every other male teenager Amethyst knew, Dalton's room was painted a pure white with the exception of one wall being black. His full bed is decorated completely in black sheetz, blankets and pillows.  Underneath a circular window that is positioned directly across the doorway, a pale brown desktop sits with papaers and sticky notes scattered along the surface. A white computer sits ontop of a stack of books. A white tiered bookshelf sits against the adjacent wall. It is filled with numerous books, video games and comics. Numerous band posters decorate the walls above and around his dresser. There is a couch in front of the television and the television screen is the Fortnite title screen.

"Fortnite? Really?"

"Come on, it is a fun game." Grabbing the remote, Dalton turns off his xbox one and turns on the netflix home screen before grabbing his computer and flopping onto his bed. With her computer in hand, Amethyst joins him. His head tilts as he watches her from the corner of his eyes while typing into his computer.


"So...." Dalton mimics.

There was a unknown tension in the room and Amethyst could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as she noticed that she had been watching his jaw twitch.

Amethyst chucks awkwardly as she looks away, "I guess we should work on that project. I was thinking about researching Dean Corll. I mean he wasn't a popular serial killer but it is pretty interesting."

Dalton shrugs as his gaze fails to falter from his computer, "Whatever you want to do...Woah look at this..."

Leaning over, Amethyst looks at the screen where a sentence reads, "New 'Cut Off Your Genitals' Challenge Gains Popularity Among Teens Online."

Amethyst can't help but wonder what is wrong with people. They are  ridiculious. Surely it is natural selection at its finest.

Dalton laughs and looks over at Amethyst with a grin, "I should do it." He sits his computer on the floor and reaches down to grab the top of his pants earning a screech from Amethyst as she knocks her computer beside her and lunges at his hands. Grabbing his wrist, she tries to push his arms above his head to pin him. He bites his lip with a smirk and locks his elbows to keep her from moving his arms.

A deep laugh rumbles his chest as he twists his hands foreward, grabbing onto her wrist. She gasps in suprise as he flips her over and pins her hands next to each ear.

By now her heart is pounding in her chest as she gazes up at Dalton. Her shirt has ridden up and now exposes the thickness of her stomach. His knees sit on either side of her stomach lightly grazing the skin, creating enough friction to send a shiver down her spine. She can feel the heat radiating off of Dalton as well as her own body.

Never before had she felt so breathless and warm. Her body felt as if it had fallen asleep and was almost awake as the fuzzy sensation turned to pleasure.

With his head dangling above her, his blonde hair falls loosely around his face as his eyes pierce hers.

"Dalton..." She whispers as his eyes focus on her lips, "I don't..."

She wanted to tell him to get off and stop looking at her like that; like he wanted to take her then and there. They were friends and that was it, nothing more and nothing less.Sure she has thought about kissing him before, but nobody needed to know that. She would never date him. Yet, her skin tingled with the need to be carassed with such tenderness and her heart cried in anticipation to feel his lips against hers.

As their lips touch, he kisses her softly as first and then with a swift gradation of intensity that makes her cling to him as the only solid thing in the swaying world. They pull apart and take shaky, shallow breaths.Dalton takes a hold of her head in his hands and pulls her into a fiery and passionate kiss. Her hands work their way around his body, feeling each muscule. Some how Amethyst rotates them so she now stradles his hips and is pulling him towards her.

Daltons' hands venture over her curved body, exploring as his finger trace the stretch marks along her hips and stomach. They pull apart and open their eyes. They stare at each other, deep into each other's eyes breathlessly.

"I think we should work on that project." Dalton whispers. Amethyst can't help but grin as she pulls him in for another kiss to which Dalton obliges.

"Maybe later." She mumbles against his lips. Dalton hums in agreement.

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