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Even after the world is left in ruin on behalf of our destructive and violent ways of showing we love each other,

I don't think I could ever call you a mistake.

We showed our affections in our rawest and most honest form in the best way we could at the time, so why would I call that a fault? Why would I be ashamed of that?

If anything, you were a lesson.

With time, you showed me the basics of what to look out for in my next relationship.

Don't let romantic eyes lure you to a dark place.

Don't let the next one spit acidic words at you in a moment of heat that leaves you burned for days, or even permanently scarred.

Don't let someone claim that they love you while they're so fixated on keeping you a secret.

The only thing that should be played with is your hair from under the blankets or the passenger seat, not your feelings.

Lastly, don't let one bad seed kill your whole orchard.

- thank you.

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