untitled four.

392 16 3

Studying has never been my thing; winging quizzes, tests, and exams seems to be a repeating cycle I cannot stop.

Staring blankly at guides and flashcards never got me anywhere, mainly because my one-track mind seems to be stuck on the thought of you.

While sitting and procrastinating, it has occured to me that more than anything else, I've been studying you the entirety of our relationship, whatever it may be.

I've taken notice that you're one of the kindest hearts I've ever come across, for the generosity and compassion you have for others being enough to power sixteen suns.

Your voice is that of warm, dripping honey; thick and sweet - pleasing for anyone who tunes in.

You hate your nose, and it's hard for me to understand why when all I want to do is kiss it and poke at it affetionately, while you may find it relatively annoying.

Your lips remind me of salmon silk; the softness being so tempting to touch with my own pair that could, sadly, never own up to yours.

More often than not, I find your Earthy-colored eyes rolling at me constantly, most likely because I've cracked the dumbest joke or pun in the world, but I wouldn't want it any other way when your body responds so powerfully to something as small as a play on words.

I don't think I've ever wanted anything more in my life than to be able to hold your body close to my own, hearts colliding and legs intertwined under the warm sheets.

While I do ride with the wave when it comes to tests, that's not what I want with you.

I want to get this right. All of it.

I don't think I've ever wanted anything more in my life than you.

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