Chapter 16

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"Come in," Uther said without looking up from his papers.

Arthur stepped in, saying,

"Father, you wanted to see me?"

"Ah, Arthur. Excellent." Uther gestured for Arthur to sit down, and placed his clasped hands on top of his desk, looking serious. "Listen. This sorcery business needs to be sorted out as soon as possible; I'm holding a meeting tomorrow at eight o'clock sharp, and I want only you, your manservant, Gaius and the two guards who witnessed the events of this evening to attend. I expect you to be there bright and early."

"My... Manservant is in no state to attend a meeting, Father," said Arthur, unsure.

"He has no choice," Uther said firmly. "This cannot be continued."

"Father," said Arthur. "He has been stabbed."

"Yes, and we need to know how and by who. You will tell him he is to attend the meeting at eight."

Arthur sighed. This argument was redundant.

"Yes, Father," he muttered. "Anything else?"

"No, that's all, thank you."

Arthur got up to leave, and Uther called,

"Oh, actually, one thing-" the king looked a little pitiful. "Don't expect... Too much from this meeting, Arthur. Be prepared for some- difficult news."

Arthur decided not to ask what Uther meant by this.

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