Chapter 23

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With his newly soldered-together innards still tender, Merlin couldn't believe his good fortune as he rode into the forest on his stolen steed, Mason.

He galloped on, the night like a silvery blanket of darkness sprinkled with pinprinks of dazzling light from the brilliantly clear stars. He was sad, of course, but right now in this wind-whipping moment, he only felt adrenaline and relief. Remorse would come later, then had space in his head for it.

Soon he knew he needed to rest his horse and get some sleep himself, so he dismounted in a small clearing in the trees. He and allowed Mason to drink heavily from a nearby babbling stream as he set about lighting a fire. Finally, when he and the horse were settled and a happy fire was crackling in the dry leaves, Merlin sat down, wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, and took out the letter from Gaius.

'Dear Merlin,
I want you to travel east, to the town of Pottsfield. I know people there and they will accept you. Tell them your name and that you know me, but do not tell them that you come from Camelot. They have bad connections with Uther, as you can imagine.
I sincerely hope that I see you again. Please do visit if ever possible. I will always be grateful of your company.

You know I have always seen you as a son, and saying goodbye to you is possibly the hardest thing I have ever done. Stay safe and please keep in touch. Good look.
Best wishes,

Arthur walked slowly to his rooms after seeing his father. He felt dazed, as though he was in a trance. Merlin...
He reached his room and pulled open the door with a leaden arm. Not Merlin...
His mind was struggling to comprehend the information so badly that it felt as though his subconscious had been filled with thick treacle and his thoughts had to wade through it.

Arthur was about to fall onto his bed, exhausted and extinguished, but he saw a piece of paper laying on the covers. Curiously he picked it up and turned it over in his hands.

It was a plain parchment paper, and the only thing written on the folded paper were the words:

'For Arthur'.

"I know that hand..." Arthur breathed, barely able to believe what he was holding in his hands.

With trembling fingers he unfolded the paper and layer it out flat on his desk. He took a deep breath, and read:



Meet me in the forest just outside the castle walls at midnight tomorrow night and I will explain everything


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