Chapter 1 - The Secret is Revealed

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Noera's POV

I sit on a bench looking at some students passing by. The class ended like 20 minutes ago, and here I am with Nancy, waiting for my other best friend. No, we're not planning to go home together. Nancy is waiting for her mom to pick her up and I'm waiting for Dave to answer my confession. I know it's a cliché romance story, falling in love with your childhood best friend. Yesterday I put a note into his locker. I wrote him I like you. I hope we can change this friendship to another romantic relationship. I'll be waiting on our usual spot after school. It was so straightforward since I'm not a romantic girl who keen of poems, flowers, dolls, or accessories. Well, I like accessories but since I'm studying in Engineering Faculty it's weird to wear too much accessories.

"What will you do if he rejects you?" Nancy asks as she straightens her back, her fingers run on her blonde hair and tie her hair while looking at me worriedly.

"Accept the rejection? It's not that I have another choice, right? Besides, he never tell us he has a crush or attracted to anyone. So I think he will accept my feeling and try to develop his feeling for me." I answer her with a shrug.

"Right. You know him from toddler and he's close to you more than to his own parents." She stands up and takes her bag. "My mom is here. I have to go. I wish you the best, honey. Call me tonight, alright?" She bends down and hugs me before running to her mom's car.

Not long time after the car disappear, I finally see Dave walking toward me. I have this kind of contradictive feelings. I want him to get here faster and answer my feeling, but I also want him to just drop it like nothing happen or just don't come here at all. I'm so nervous, my eyes are wandering around but him. I look down until I see a pair of Vans shoes in front of me.

"Hi." He said calmly. His has a great voice. Well he sings very well of course he has a great voice. He sits beside me, his hands on knees.

"Halla." I look at him. He presses his lips close like he's thinking so hard. He tries to put his thought in words. We sit in silent for a while until he finally speaks.

"About your note... I'm sorry..." he look at me, while I'm turning my head down. My chest is tightening. I hold my tears, I can't cry here in a public area. We remain in silent, while I'm waiting for his reason.

"It's not because you're my best friend or I have someone in my heart. It's just..." he takes a breath, "I never think I will tell you this way. I'm not prepared for this yet. But... Noera, I'm actually gay." He looks down, shakes his head like he doesn't even believe himself confessing his sexuality in this situation.

"What? Are you serious?" I said half screaming. I look at him disbelief.

"I.Am.Gay." He presses every word, while looking at my eyes.

"How?" I ask him and he looks at me confused, "I mean, how long have you realized that you're... gay?"

"Remember when we had your 18th birthday party in my house because you didn't want your parents know we drank alcohol, and then Rad passed out in the kitchen? Before he passed out, we were kissing." He says the last word in whisper but I can hear him clearly.

My jaw drops, "You kissed Rad?" I don't believe my best friend was using my little brother as experiment to find out his sexuality. Rad is 2 years younger than me. But he acts like he's actually my older brother, I mean he's so bossy.

At that time I had an argument with Rad. I didn't want him to attend my party because he was still underage. But he insisted to come along and threated me to tell my parents about that party. I knew I could drink alcohol legally since it was my own 18th birthday party, but my mom was super protective. She definitely chewed me out if she found out I drank alcohol. I didn't pay attention to Rad because I was busy singing with the girls, I didn't know he drank too much until Dave tapped my shoulder and told me that Rad passed out. Finally he slept in the guest room and I lied to my parents, told them that Rad was watching soccer on TV in Dave's house, and the game ended early morning.

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