Boy Gets to LA

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J: Just got to the airport. I'll be in at LA about 2:30pm.

After hitting send, Jack adjusted his shirt to make sure that his tummy wasn't showing at all. The last week the coffee bean seemed to grow very fast. Even Dr. Winters had measured Jack's abdomen a couple of times to make sure that the first measurement had been correct.

The flight from New York to California was going to be a long one. Both Mark and he had decided that a non stop flight was better, but now Jack worried about not being able to stretch his legs at all, and considered that maybe a connecting flight would have been best. He felt his phone buzz in his back pocket, and chuckled at the text message back from Mark.

M: I can't wait to see both of you, and please stop worrying about the plane ride. I already know that you are, angel.

"He always seems to know," Jack said softly to himself.

With a slight grunt Jack picked up his carry on bag and his large rolling suitcase and headed to the ticket booth the check in. The lady at the service counter smiled at him as he walked up, and after getting his information she took his rolling bag and gave him his ticket.

"First class passengers get seated first," she said, her voice very sweet, "so please make sure that you listen for the announcement when you get to your gate."

Jack looked at her confused.

"I'm sorry, but I think you gave me the wrong ticket. I'm not traveling first class."

The woman gave him a quizzical look, and glanced back down at her computer, then raised her dark blue eyes back at him.

"No, Mr. McLoughlin, this is your ticket. It looks like you were upgraded to first class by a M. Fischbach. Do you know who that is?"

Jack gave a long sigh.

"Yes, I do. I guess I'll have to thank him later."

The plane ride was thankfully pleasant and smooth. The front seat was incredibly comfortable and Jack was actually able to even get in a nap during the flight. Perhaps it was the fact that Jack had been so excited to get going from the house to the airport that he had forgotten to take his usual bowl of Ginseng Jook, but the coffee been seemed to be more active than usual. His tummy was turning like crazy on the flight.

"It's probably just nerves," Jack muttered to himself as he gave his tummy a pat.

Once the plane landed Jack was even more grateful for Mark's surprise upgrade than before because he was able to get off the plane first. He was getting even more concerned with other passengers around him who might accidentally bump into his belly. He felt like a grumpy bear lately protecting his cub. It was an odd feeling, since Jack was used to being incredibly friendly with other people. He sighed as he rounded the corner towards the baggage claim area. He hoped that he would feel more like his usual happy self soon.

Mark was already waiting at the baggage claim for Jack, his phone is his hands and tapping his foot nervously as he waited. He heart was going a million miles it seemed. Anyone that even looked remotely liked the Irishman got his attention, and each time he realized that it wasn't him felt like agony.

This was more than longing, or just caring about Jack. The feelings were too strong to put into words how much he wanted to talk to him. How much he wanted to hold him in his arms and rub his soft belly again.

"Mark!?" called out a voice, and Mark turned to his right, his heart fluttered like a cage bird desperate to escape.

Jack was walking towards him as fast as he dared, his smile as bright as his eyes.

"Angel," Mark sighed, more to himself than to anyone around him, and he went running towards Jack, not caring about the odd stares he was getting from the grumpy onlookers around him.

The gap between them wasn't much, but to both of them it felt like miles. Finally, though it lasted forever, they reached each other. Mark wrapped his strong arms around Jack and lifted him off his feet. Jack gave a small squeak of surprise, but hugged him back just the same.

Their lips meet before another word was spoken, their mouths and tongues saying everything that was needed to be said. It was only the need to breathe that pulled them apart, and with their foreheads touching they inhaled in the sweet air around them.

"You should probably put me down," Jack giggled, his feet still floating in the air. "People will think that someone's filming us for a bad made-for-tv movie."

Mark chuckled as he looked into the most beautiful blue eyes in the world.

"Let them think what they want. I'm never letting you go ever again."

So, About That Night... (Septiplier AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat