Chapter 15

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I feel my hand brush against the cold door as it pounds against the wood "Richie!" I hit the door again with my closed fist "Richie!" The door swings open and I eye my brother shaking his head "he isn't here." He goes to shut the door but I push my foot into the gap "can I come in?" I watch him open the door motioning in and I step into the large apartment glancing around thinking to myself expensive but I end up saying it out loud "expensive." He laughs shutting the door behind me. He remains quiet as I walk around the large living room eyeing the assortment of books spread out on the table.

I stop memorizing the titles one by one as Owen laughs out "investigating?" I glance up to him and eye him over unkempt hair, black gloves and note the obvious "those gloves." He raises his hand turning it sideways "nice?" I shake my head "black." He nods as he rubs his gloved hands together and I step closer wanting to investigate further "can I see your wrists?"  He laughs "what for?"  I watch him walk towards the kitchen as he pours himself a glass of water and he strolls back into the living room. 

He slides down into the recliner as he glances around the open living room. I step closer looking down at him as I state a fact "you dated Lily." He laughs "you already know that, Talmon told you by now, didn't he?" I nod glancing him over as he sits back in the recliner "why didn't you?" He smiles "you didn't care much for me. I was just Owen that annoying younger brother." I shake my head "that's not true." He laughs "its fine, I was annoying, but I was young and jealous." I laugh "of me?"

He nods putting his feet up on the table in front of him "you were popular, had a popular boyfriend and didn't have to deal with the things I did." I sit slowly in the recliner next to him "what did you deal with?" He rubs his gloved hands together "not everyone has a happy life you being a cop has to know better than anyone." I lean forward glimpsing at his slightly exposed wrist and hear him laugh as I get a glimpse of the tattoo "detective?" I glance up and watch him lean back "it's a game isn't it?" I shake my head "you're my brother Owen, we're family." He laughs "don't call me that, you barely know me. I'm more a spec and you're, you're the whole sky, but maybe you're the sun, because everything revolves around you."

He points to me and smiles smugly to himself "always been about Amanda Reynolds, perfect little Mandy." I look down eyeing the floor "is that why you did it Owen?" He laughs "did what?" I glance up to him "your him aren't you, the Marbourne ripper?" He laughs "really? Am I? Why do you say that?" I bite my lip "the gloves, your statement about games, there's something the captain and his wife know, Richie knows. What is it I don't know Owen?" He grins to himself and he slowly takes of his gloves and I eye the large scar on his hand as he eyes it over. He rolls up his sleeve and turn his wrists around "your statement was pretty good, but your numbering is a bit off." I bite my lip "you have no number." He grins "nope, I felt I didn't need a number, it would just be a way to order yourself. I didn't need a number to tell me my importance." I bite my lip "whose number three?" He smiles putting his feet up "don't know."

I stand angry "Owen." He grins "we had a lot of friends anyone could have been." I stop hearing a noise from the bedroom and release my gun pointing it in the direction as a girl walks out staring at my gun she smiles "45 Cal, nice." She plops down next to Owen and I lower my gun. She holds up her hands pointing to her ring "nice to meet you." I bite my lip eyeing over her dark black hair, sunglasses and crocked smile as I question "where have we meant?" She turns her head sideways "don't think we have, doesn't ring any bells." She grins to herself and I hear Owen laugh "of course it doesn't, why would it?" She shrugs nudging my brother "oh just trying to lighten the mood didn't expect to have a gun pointed at me today." She bites her lip and I state again "we've meant before?"

I stand eyeing her over and ask "could you remove your sunglasses?" She grins bringing her sunglasses down and I eye her over brown eyes and one swollen black eye "where did you get the black eye?" She runs her hand along it "this, oh just a souvenir from last night." I sit slowly glancing between them "where did you two meet?" She turns to Owen and he shrugs "probing into my personal life now?" I shrug "engaged, just curious where you meant her." She interrupts "College." I nod "what's your major, I'm sorry what was your name?" Owen cuts in "Taylor, her name is Taylor what are you trying to do Amanda?" I shrug "just getting to know my future sister in law. Taylor laughs "yea Owen, relax its just friendly chit chat." I clear my throat "so what was your major?" She turns to Owen then back to me "premed, I want to be a surgeon." She pushes her sunglasses back on and I glance between them "a surgeon?"

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