I totally didn't have a chapter written

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As you guys can probably tell from the title, I didn't finish writing this chapter in time to get it up. So, today, I'm going to give you guys something different. This is a short story from my life, a pretty funny one that I still laugh at. Oh, and of course, it's Percy Jackson related.

The Bathroom Door Incident

When I was in fifth grade, in one of my classes which had only four kids, we decided to all do book reports on the Percy Jackson books for something called a 'monthly project,' which is exactly what it sounds like. It's a project that is supposed to take a month. However, by the time I had to do this I had read the books so many times I did my entire report from memory...but that's not important. What is important is that one of my friends decided to do The Titan's Curse... and have us roleplay the Hoover Dam scene with Rachel and the skeletons. 

Of course, we worked in a bunch of dam jokes, because we were immature (and we still are).

So, if you know the scene, you'd know there's only actually three parts to roleplay: Percy, Rachel, and the skeletons. Me being the only girl in the class, I was automatically Rachel. The friend who decided to do the roleplay became Percy. We made the one kid in our class who had never read the books be the skeletons. Which, of course, left a kid.

We were pretty uncreative.

We made him play the bathroom door.

So the kid who played Percy and I (I think that's proper grammar, right?) were constantly just pushing him out of the way, and he was just standing in the middle of the floor of our classroom laughing, and the teacher was staring at us like we were crazy...just a normal day in this class. 

Ahh, the memories.

I mentioned this in one of the classes I have with all three of them recently, like last week, and the one who hadn't read the books just stared at me blankly while the other two burst out into hysterical laughter.

Inside jokes are fun. Especially if they're dam inside jokes.

Anyone want some dam snack bar fries? Or need to use the dam restroom?

Okay, I'll stop.

But seriously: I know this chapter has pretty much just been one huge author's note, but I'm going to be changing my upload schedule to every other week instead of every week like it is now. I'm out of pre-written chapters, I'm trying to get ready to go to a new school, one that was pretty hard to get into, and I'm dealing with some pretty tough school stuff. So if you don't see an update anytime soon, that's why.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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