The Meeting part 2

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Ch 3


    "What if I were to tell you that if you've ever read about a fictional world, it's actually real..."

    We sat in a stunned silence for a moment. Bella and I shared a very meaningful glance. Being muggleborns, we'd read quite a bit of muggle fantasy. I knew Annabeth also spent quite a bit of time reading, and she was probably thinking something similar to what we were.

    It was probably along the lines of 'OH MY GOD CAN WE GO?'

    "I know what most of you are thinking. Yes, some people can travel between worlds, and yes, we can keep out those with evil intents. This is why we haven't been attacked by evil gods-" Percy barely suppressed a snort- "or magic-users. We can, however, send people into other worlds. This is why this program is possible.

    "We are going to split you into two groups of three - I'm thinking Harry, Ron and Hermione in one group and Bella, Percy and Annabeth in the other - and send you off into other worlds. You will be able to communicate with each other, but obviously not through owls. We will teach you other methods of magical communication like linking diaries before we send you off. And before you ask, yes, it is necessary to split you six up. We can't have such a large group wandering around, and we do have two worlds in mind. If you don't mind, follow me and I'll introduce you to the people you'll be learning from," she said, turning and opening a door I had never noticed before, maybe because it was behind the headmaster's chair.

    We all looked at each other, and then followed Professor McGonagall into the corridor beyond the door.

A/N Hello! It's the author! If you've made it this far, Welcome to the end of the third chapter of my first fanfiction! I'll probably be updating this about once a week. If you have anything to say to me don't forget to comment. And before you guys ask: No I'm not breaking up any ships, yes Bella is my OC based off IRL me, and if you've ever seen anything like this I didn't steal it. If anyone guesses the two series I'm adding to this next chapter, I'll post it sooner, otherwise you'll have to wait. Just saying: both of them involve magic and sword fighting, and one of them isn't very popular but it's one of my favorites. See you guys next chapter! P.S. Sorry for the short chapter. The Meeting was originally one chapter but it just felt right to split it up.

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