Chapter 1: Elevator

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My name is Annette Caldwell, today is my first day at the editors and publishing corporation In New York. I am originally from New York but I have been in Japan for the past 10 years focusing on my studies and designs. I just got off the late train, I accidentally did not turn on my ringer so my phone didn't even go off! Now here I am right in front of the editors and publishing building half an hour late. I can't feel my fingertips as they are slightly red from the cold weather. I huffed my chest and walked in. Ah, the nice smell of fresh papers hitting ink hit my nose. "Excuse me, can I help you?" A voice asked, my head immediately whipped over to the sound of the voice. The voice led me to a receptionist deeply glaring at me, she had dark brown hair tied up into an intimidating bun, her eyes lingered from my fluffy earmuffs to my eyes, her auburn eyes meeting my brown ones. "U-umm I'm here for my internship?" I whispered she scowled her forehead wrinkling "I can hardly hear you, speak up" she said crossing her arms. "I'm here for my internship with Mr. Valmont," I said looking away from her intimidating eyes. She snarked looking down at some papers. "It started 40 minutes ago, he will not be pleased to see you walk in late, don't be shocked if he kicks you right out the door." She huffed passing me a pass "Third floor on your right, there will be a door that says Valmont." I nodded and quickly sped my way to the elevator not wanting to be with her for any longer. As the doors began to shut a shiny perfectly waxed shoe swiftly and suddenly budged itself in in between the doors making the doors pop right back open. I gawked at his casual but intimidating appearance, he was all dressed in a gray suit that perfected his golden hair and green eyes. "Morning," he said leaning against the wall. I silently nodded my head pressing the number 3 once again.

"What a coincidence I'm going to the same place for an internship meeting" he smirked rubbing his pink hands from the cold. "Well I heard Mr. Valmont is a very really mean man that does not like when people are late, he will apparently kick them out" I shrugged crossing my arms. "Oh is that so?" He said slowly approaching me up until I was looking up at him in his pierced emerald eyes. "You're such a creep" I said pushing his chest which had failed to my avail as he did not move a bit. "I don't think you should be talking to Mr.Valmont in such a tone" he glared down at me smirking at the last part "What are you even talking about" I gawked glaring up back at him. "Hi, my name is Sebastian Valmont" he smirked putting out a hand as my jaw dropped the elevator struck and shook I hit the side of the elevator as I scrunch my eyes closed preparing myself for impact with the ground that never came as I realized the cold hands holding onto my arms holding me up, I quickly composed myself ripping my arm out of his grasp. "You'll warm up to me, but that's for later right now I've got to save the day for my damsel in distress" he stupidly smirked again before going over to the elevator phone and called for help. After he finished talking on the phone he sighed pulling on his head "It's going to be about half an hour" he groaned I sighed and sat on the floor. We sat in silence for a moment before he began to laugh silently. "You really don't remember me Annette?" he asked scrunching his fist up looking into my eyes as if they would tell him the answer. "How'd you know my name?" I asked suddenly interested as I fixed my sloppy posture. He went silent as I angrily watched him unclench his fist. "Do you remember a boy named Andre?" He asked his jaw flexing out. "What are you talking about?" I asked watching him clench his fist again as it began to turn red. "I won't ask you again, just answer the question" He glared his eyes turning a darker familiar green. As I began to actually observe his face and think of the name Andre the resemblance came back. "So do you really like me and see a future between us?" I asked twirling my hair looking down feeling a bit shy, a chuckle is what I heard that crushed my heart. My eyes began to see red as I looked into his irritating eyes. "Andre?" I spat glaring up at him, in a matter of seconds his face was turned and my palm ached with anticipation, I slapped him. His silent reaction frightened me as I backed away as he returned his gaze. "Why did you do that" he whispered his breath becoming really cold. "You hurt me! You're the reason why I left New York and wanted a new start somewhere else!" I screamed throwing a punch at his shoulder. "Stop hitting me, I didn't do anything to you! You're the one that punched me in the face and the next thing I knew you moved out of the country!" He screamed the veins on his neck popping out. He sighed "what did I even do?" he calmly asked. I laughed sarcastically "Oh wouldn't you like to know?" I groaned rolling my eyes his hand smacked into the wall beside my head. "Tell me now" he glared his eyes becoming darker. "I asked you if you actually liked me and wanted a future with me! A-and you just laughed at me" I shouted emphasizing the last bit throwing my hands in the air. "I laughed at you? I was only 17, I was just a kid I was probably nervously laughing cause I was scared" the color drained from my face as he scoffed. "So that's why you punched me and left keeping this grudge for so long?" He spat "pathetic really." He said rolling his eyes walking away from me towards the other side of the elevator giving me his back. "Could you really blame me? I thought I loved you and you laughed so of course it hurt me" I spat but he didn't budge nor turn around to argue anymore. After about what took forever the elevator started up again and dropped us off at the floor,He walked out first his back still facing towards me. "Don't even bother going to the internship meeting" he barked I gawked angrily looking at his back anger filling up into my chest. "Why you- I began but he quickly put his hand 2 fingers in the air silencing me. "You're in, I will make you love me again" he said brodly "I promise you that." He coldly said finally looking back at me with his emerald eyes that lacked emotion. His eyes lingered on mine for what felt like years but was quickly gone as he walked off without a word leaving me determined to make him wrong, I won't let him win, I promise I will make him fail.

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