"So where's Isabelle today?"

"She's at a family thing, she really wanted to come and help but I told her she didn't need to because this is my baby"

"You know she's an amazing friend to you Ana"

"I know Dad, I don't know what I would do without her"

"Well I'm glad you have her because I know you at least have one other people in your corner"

"Soon I'll have three"

"Of course you will"

Dad and I laughed and continued working together to get all the nursery furniture put together and in place so the room was kind of ready. Of course, I still needed to buy decor, bedding, toys, and books. But for now, the major things I needed were put together and ready for the baby's arrival.

"So are Grandma and Grandpa still coming for dinner tonight Dad?"

"I believe so they haven't come in a couple months"

"I know I've called Grandmas a few times they had an awesome trip, hopefully, they bring some pictures tonight"

"I'm sure they will, after all, they are visiting places your Mom wanted to go, so they'll want to share that with you"

"I can't wait to join them on one of their trips"

"Yeah I think we shall all go after you graduate next year"

"Really even the baby?"

"Yes, of course, the baby will come, it'll be one big happy family trip"

"But where to?"

"Greece or maybe Iceland"

"Oh Grease would be wonderful"

"Tell it's settled well ask Grandmas and Grandpa tonight"

I smiled and Dad kissed my temple before he left the newly set up nursery. I sat back in the rocking chair just to relax, rock, and think about things.

"Ana I'm going to take your car to the police station to get the car seat checked okay?"

"Okay Dad, do you want me to come?"

"Not it's okay I'm also going to stop at the store to get stuff for dinner so I'll be a while do you need anything?"

"Ice Cream please"

"Mint chocolate chip?"

"Please and thank-you"

Dad had installed the car seat in the back of my car this morning and we also put the stroll run the trunk all folded up nicely. So he was taking the car over to the police station to ensure that we got it all installed properly. While Dad was gone I headed downstairs and got the dining table nicely set for dinner for Grandma, Grandpa and I.

My Dad's parents died shortly after my fourth birthday, that really upset Dad, but Mom's parents have stuck by the two of us and supported us just as if Mom had never left. I've grown so close to my Grandma she practically took over for Mom after she passed and I couldn't be happier to have my Grandmother to share stories of my Mother when she was my age and so many other things.

Once I got the table set I went over and grabbed Mom's blanket out of the blanket chest and sat down on the couch with the remote. Starting up Netflix I resumed watching the Friends episode I had last been watching. I think I've watched this series like 5 times since it got put on Netflix, it's like my absolute favourite thing to watch anymore.

While Friends was playing on the big TV over the fireplace, I was texting with Isabelle who was claiming to be dying of boredom at her family get together and wanted nothing more than to come over and watch Friends with me, but I just told her she was nuts and that she needed to spend time with her own family. A couple of the other Teen Mom's from school that have my number have stepped me today so I took the time to reply to them now that I wasn't really doing anything drastically important. Just as I was about to start another episode there was a knock at the door before I could get up the door was opened and closed again.

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