Chapter 3

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When Keith and lance got to the kitchen everyone else was already there. They sat down next to the older Keith and lance. Older lance turned to them "we cant find any of our old clothes and I am presuming you didn't bring any, so you'll have to wear some of our smallest clothes."
Keith looked confused "why would we need new clothes?"
Older Keith looked up from his food "Well, you can sleep in your normal clothes if you want."
Keith shook his head "we'll take your clothes thanks"

The rest of dinner they got to know everyone and found out what had changed from the past. After dinner older lance went and got their clothes. Lance and Keith went back to their room got a shower and changed into their older selves clothes, they were extremely baggy. Keith's t shirt was a maroon colour and lance's was navy, but the pants kept falling down so they just decided to wear their boxers.
"Right, back to the movie then." Lance said coming out of the bathroom, his hair was a bit wet still but had signs of being blow dried.
Keith's hair on the other hand had been dried with a towel and was extremely scruffy. "Great, come on then." Keith said patting the bed calling lance over.
Lance was just stood there with a big smile on his face.
Keith looked around to see what he was smiling at "what? What are you smiling at?"
Lance started walking over to the bed "oh nothing, just you look so cute with your hair all scruffy like that." He said as he sat on the bed and put his arm around Keith.
Keith smiled up at him "your not to bad yourself."

They watched the movie until midnight when it ended. Then decided to go to bed.
"Well that was fun" Lance said with a yawn "but we should probably go to sleep now."
Keith nodded, his eyes half open. Lance smiled at this, sleepy Keith was adorable. He place the laptop back on the desk and went back to join Keith. As he lay down and got comfortable he said "I love you." under his breath. Keith heard this and nuzzled into lance. It didn't take long for the boys to fall fast asleep, Keith's arms around lance's torso. Although they weren't asleep for long.

At around 3 0'clock in the morning lance woke up to the sound of his name being called. "lance. Lance are you awake?" Lance opened his eyes to see who it was. it was Quinn, she looked like she was both scared and sad with signs of crying. "what is it? what's wrong?" He asked in suspicion.
suddenly Keith groaned and sat up "what's going on?" he said rubbing his eyes. Quinn sniffled "I had a nightmare." she said on the brink of crying.

Lance moved over so there was a space between the two boys and patted the spot he had just made. "Come on, tell us all about it."
Quinn scrambled onto the bed and sat between Keith and lance. "I-I was with mummy, daddy and nerrissa a-at the train station and we all got in a train. then nerrissa saw that sh-she dropped her phone just outside the train, so she got off the train and picked up her phone. B-but then the doors shut and the train started moving and sh-she got left behind a-and we never saw her again." Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
Lance put her arms around her to comfort her "shhh. It's fine. Everything is ok. Nerrissa isn't gone is she? She is just down the corridor, alright? It's just a nasty dream." Quinn nodded trying to catch her breath. "Now you just Calm down and try to sleep, because little princesses like you need their beauty sleep." Lance said tapping her on the nose. She smiled and nodded then closed her eyes.
Keith looked at lance in awe "wow, your really good with kids."
lance shrugged "well, I do have 3 younger siblings."
they were asleep with Quinn in their bed for about 10 minutes before she asked lance if she could go back to her own room. she was still half asleep but after asking she fell back asleep. although lance still picked her up and carried her back to her room. after that there were no more distractions for the rest of the night. Keith and lance were both confused about why she came to them instead of shiro or allura.

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