Chapter 6

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keith and lance went back to their room after they finished the cake.
"that was delicious lance." keith said dropping down on the bed. "send my complements to the chef. oh wait, your the chef. well then" he got up and smirked at lance "you have beautiful eyes. actually every part of you is adorable and I wish I could kiss every inch of your gorgeous face."
lance started blushing "I would not appose to that."
keith pushed lance against the wall and pressed his lips against his partner. lance proceeded to turn them both around so keith was now on the wall, lance then picked keith up. keith rapped his legs around lance's hips. they made out for about 5 minutes before the alarm went off. lance pulled away looking a bit annoyed "great! I was having fun." he said pouting keith just smiled and let go of lance. they made their way to the hull.

when they got to the hull only coran and allura were there "where is everyone?" lance asked in confusion.
allura turned around looking focused "out there. with the blade of Marmora, the galra are trying to destroy planet garbazor!"
lance and keith looked at each other.
"we would help if we had our lions" lance said sympathetically
an idea popped into Keith's head "what if we did."
lance interrupted "that's what I just said"
keith looked at lance as if he was stupid "I mean, aidan's lion came to our reality. so what if we could get our lions to come here."
lance stroked his chin "ye but how? we have no idea how aidan's lion got to our reality."
keith thought for a second "punch me." he said finally.
lance looked shocked "WHAT!? no, why would I punch you?"
keith grabbed lance's shoulders "because my lion knows when I am in pain and need help. also because I said so."
lance frowned "I still don't want to punch you."
allura was getting frustrated "oh for god's sake. I'll do it." she walked up to keith and punched him in the gut. keith fell to the floor in pain "thank you." he said faintly
she then turned to lance "WAIT." he screeched, but before he could do anything she had already punched him in the same place as keith. lance also fell to the floor. "ouch. thank you, but ouch."
once the two boys had enough strength to get up they walked over to the front of the castle. in the distance there were two coloured objects flying towards them.
"there they are!" lance yelled before turning for the docking bay, keith followed him.

once they were in their lions they went out to join the fight. the galra were extremely shocked at the new addition to the team which gave them an advantage. it only took them around 10 minutes to defeat the entire galra fleet. once no more ships came they headed back to the castle.

"wow, you guys were amazing!" allura praised they as they walked back into the hull smiling.
"thanks." shiro begun "it probably had something to do with our new team mates shocking the galra."
keith smiled at shiro "our pleasure."
"ye, although it would have been better if we didn't have to get punched in the gut to join the fight!" lance said glaring at allura. allura just shrugged. lance turned to keith "well, wanna go back to what we were doing before the galra showed up." keith nodded.
nerrissa raised an eyebrow "what were you doing before the galra appeared.
both keith and lance's eyes widened
"uh, reading a book"
"uh, watching a film"
they both said at the same time, afterwards looking at one another.
"oh right, ye watching a film"
"my mistake, we were reading a book."
they said once again at the same time. at this point they gave up on the conversation and just turned for the exit.
at that moment pidge walked in "guys you better come see this."

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