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Every morning Alec wakes up to a beautiful, peaceful, precious face and it was always the best time of his day. But the sight he woke up to this morning might very well change that.

He woke up to not only to see his beautiful boyfriend, but to his two most precious faces.

He slowly picked himself up off of the small bed that they were sharing wanting to capture this moment forever. As Alec took the picture he couldn't help but stare at it, it was like art in his eyes. Magnus was laying on his back and Emma was laying on Magnus' chest, her head scrunching into his neck. Matt was laying on his side, his face was red from snuggling into Magnus' side. Magnus had his arms around them both keeping them both as close as possible.

Alec was pulled out of his daze when he smelt something burning, and there was only one simple explanation.

"Izzy" Alec sighed as he turned the knob on the door as quietly as he could to not wake his family.

He made his way downstairs the smell getting worse and worse every step he took. Once he got to the kitchen he saw Izzy by the stove with a frying pan and whatever was in it smoking and Jace sitting by the table not able to contain his laughter.

"Oh Alec come here" Jace said as soon as he saw Alec

"What the hell is going on" Alec said joining Jace by the table watching Izzy failing to cook.

They began laughing even more as the bacon in the pan caught fire and Izzy freaked out and threw it in the sink

"It's not funny you two" Izzy yelled hands on her hips looking at both boys

"I beg to differ" Jace said "Come on Alec let's go" he said getting up from his chair

"Go where?" Alec asked

"Our morning run, we haven't done it in ages. Plus we got some catching up to do, now go change" Jace said

They were out the house now, they left Izzy to clean up the mess and smoke and were now running past the park.

"So how's everything going.....the baby and all?" Alec asked as they turned a corner

"It's going good, she's due in 2 months. And let me tell you it's been a nightmare I can't wait to get that baby out" Jace said

"Usually it's the mum who often says that not the dad" Alec said chuckling

"Yeah well other guys don't have a Clary, she might be small but she can put up one hell of a fight" Jace said

"Well don't you worry it will be all worth it the day that baby comes" Alec says

"Yeah, how about those trouble makers of yours, they behaving for you?" He asked

"To be honest every time they make trouble I think 'There's no way they can top that' but there they go and prove me wrong, it's like a mad house" Alec said

"Talking about mad houses, I spoke with Magnus yesterday"

"Oh god what now, when you put both your heads together the outcome is never good"

"We just spoke about dogs" Alec stopped as Jace said that

"Dogs? Don't tell me he's thinking about getting a dog. I mean he already got a cat and I couldn't say no because the twins had already grown attached to it" Alec said

"Sorry dude I think it's happening" Jace laughed

"I'm gonna have a word with him when we get home, and don't think your off the hook you probably put that thought into his head" Alec said

"Never" Jace said acting hurt as he turned around and began running again.

They'd been running for about 5 miles now and Alec's legs were getting tired and aching, same goes for Jace. But they decided to keep on running as their house was only another mile away.

Once they'd got home they realised it was 12:30 and there was a smell of cookies coming from the kitchen and it smelt delicious, at least we know it isn't Izzy in there.

"Who do I thank for that delicious smell entering my nose" Jace said sniffing the air

"I was craving some cinnamon nut cookies" Clary's voice rang through the kitchen. Jace went to pick one up having his hand swatted away in return "I promised Matt and Emma that they can have they first bite, plus you stink and I do not want sweat all over my cookies, seriously babe you're dripping" Clary said holding her hands up in front of her in atempt to get Jace to stay away from her.

"I thought you loved my sweaty-ness" Jace said

"That was before you put this baby in me and before I developed a good sense of smell, which in this case is the worst" Clary told him "Now go shower.....both of you" she added as realised Alec was leaning on the wall listening in ontheir conversation.

"Fine! but there better be some cookies left when I'm done" Jace said giving up and making his way upstairs as Alec shortly followed up to his room.
Sorry I know it's been awhile but school has started back and I've been busy and I have lots of exams coming up, for example I have my Welsh one on Wednesday then I'm having to revise for my Technology and I also have my sciences.

Again I'm sorry I'll try and post a part when I'm not busy and thank you for being patient with me. Xxxx

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