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Alec POV
Alec had just gotten to the building where he would be spending the next few years learning, and let me tell you it was huge. The main college, and then a separate building for dorms. At the moment Alec was standing by the side of the steps until someone approached him.

"You're new right?"

Alec turned around quickly and looked down to see a boy with blond hair, and blue eyes, and he was quite masculine to be honest.

"Um yeah I am, how'd you know?" Alec asked

"It's just a guess, you looked a little lost. And I'm new too, I'm Will" he said holding out his hand for Alec to shake which he kindly returned

"Alec. So what class you taking?" Alec asked

"Law, you?"

"Same! At least we both know at least one person there, you wanna go find the room" Alec said

Will nodded and they headed off to find where they were supposed to be. When they finally found it they were relieved to find out that it hadn't started yet. Lots of students were sat in seats talking with one another with computers each on their desks. Me and Will headed to roughly the back since it was the only place that had two seats next to each other and not being to crowded. When we both sat down the side door opened and a man in a suit walked in placing his briefcase on the front desk.

"Good morning class, my name is Mr.Smith. And welcome to your first lesson in Criminal Law. Every year I begin with getting to know each other, so you all know my name now let me hear yours and a little something about you. For example my names Chase and I recently just got engaged" a bunch of cheers and claps came after that "Okay, okay thank you but enough that about me what about you guys"

Mr. Smith went around the class asking them their name and one question that we had to answer really quickly. It was actually quite fun, and it was a good way to get to know everyone. Like there's a girl in the front called Lilly and she speaks fluently in German. A guy called Jamie and his favourite sport was lacrosse. When he reached the back row I learnt that Will had fell of his bike when he was little and has a scar on the back of his head. After that it was my turn and I was ready for any question he asked me.

"You, mhm name, and the most important thing in your life at the moment?" That made me smile so much because it was easy and I knew exactly what I was gonna say and it seemed that pretty much everyone picked up on it "Oh so I'm guessing there is something really important huh?" He asked grinning

"Yes. So my names Alec" I introduced myself "And the most important thing in my life" I began "is my boyfriend and my kids" I said thinking back to all the moments we four have had together. Sure that answer got me some weird glances, but most of them were happy and smiling back at me.

"Good" Mr.Smith said walking back to the board "Okay so now that we've all been properly acquainted let's begin"

We sat there for another hour and 50 minutes writing and suggested answers when we were asked. And it was actually good time, Mr.Smith said that tomorrow he's going to pick 5 out of the class who will get to work with him on a case that he's working on. We don't know what it is yet but we will get to k ow tomorrow. The second the bell rang everyone packed up their things and waited for Mr.Smiths approval to leave the classroom. After all our lessons were done it ended up being about 3:30pm. So Will and I both walked out and down the halls and went to sit on a bench outside and I called Magnus wanting to know how it was going so far.

One rings, two rings and he picked up and I smiled

"Alexander, hi how's everything?" Magnus asked before I could

"Hi, everything great. You haven't thrown your back out yet have you"

"Of course I have not, as shocking as it sounds the twins have been pretty calm this morning"

"Wow, well there's a first time for everything huh" Alec chuckled "Hey are the twins there can you put them on speaker?" Alec asked

"You two guess who's on the phone?" Alec heard Magnus say in his baby voice that he always uses with them which always got Alec to laugh "oi why are you laughing, guys tell Dada" the second Magnus said 'Dada' Alec heard the sound of footsteps running

"Dada" Emma said through the phone

"Hi honey, what are you guys doing?" Alec asked in his gentle voice

"B-ocks" Matt's said cheerful, that's Matt's way of saying 'blocks' because he can't completely say it yet.

"Oh wow, have you been showing Papa how to build?" Alec asked and he could hear Magnus' small chuckles from his side.

"T-t-ower" Emma and Matt said at the same time

"Yes they did. But why don't you tell Dada where we went today and what we have found"

"Oh no, Magnus this isn't going to be good is it" Alec said

"Can you just be quiet and listen to you're children please"

"Okay, so what is it that you both found?"

"Caiman miaw" Matt said


"Yes honey?"

"What the hell is a caiman miaw?"

"Well firstly its pronounced Chairman Meow, and secondly it's not a what but a who"

"Oh no" Alec said pinching the bridge of his nose "Magnus I know what that name means, which means you've done something, and please don't say what I think you've done"

"Oh you know exactly what I mean, come on you know how much I love cats"

"I know"

"So are you coming home soon?"

"Yeah, I'm just here with my friend Will" Will looked up from what he was doing on his computer and muttered 'hi' "He says hi"

"Well why don't you both come here, plus the twins really miss you"

"The twins miss me?" Alec asked chuckling

"Yes the twins, and they want you home. So please"

"Yeah we'll come home now, we've actually got work so I'll see you in a bit"

"Good, I love you bye"

"I love you too, bye" and the line went dead.

"We'll?" Will asked

"Um yeah....Magnus wants to meet you, so you wanna come over for a while?"

"Yeah sure, lets go"

They both stood up and slung their bags over their shoulders and began walking.
Thank you for reading xx

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