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So this part as well as my next part has been deleted no clue why it has but it has, so I'm gonna try to at least write a brief of what i wrote last time. Sorry this has happened and to those who have read this part before but I didn't know what else to do so hope you enjoy an keep on reading on whats to come, thank you.

Alec POV

Once we landed I had Jace pick us up from the airport.

"Hey dude, how's it going?" Jace said giving me a hug a patting me on the back

"We're doing good, you?"

"Fine, come on give me your bags"

After Jace put our bags in the car Magnus tried to get him to put Matt in his car seat saying its good practice for him for whats to come, as he's gonna be a dad himself soon enough."

"Dude I'm telling you it's impossible" Jace said "I give up" he held his arms up in defeat and went to sit in the drivers seat as I took over for him

"I'm sure to tell everyone that a car seat defeated you" Magnus laughed from the middle backseat

"Shut up Bane"

We'd been driving for about an hour now and we started getting hungry so we turned to get some McDonalds

"Hey Jace you didn't tell anyone that were here no I want it to be a surprise" I said

"Of course not I can keep secrets" Jace winked at me when Magnus wasn't looking

"So where does everyone think you are then?" Magnus asked handing Emma a chip (A/N: chip, fries whatever you wanna call it)

"I didn't tell them anything, they're all back home on the sofa probably chatting about how I called family meeting then just ran out the door" Jace said taking a bite of his burger

"Oh god, this ain't gonna be good is it"

When we got back into the car Jace made sure to sit down straight away so he wouldn't be tricked into trying to work out those baby contraptions again.

We'd been in the car for another hour now and had about 30 minutes to go until we got home and Jace was trying to get us to agree on his theory that he has believed in since he was a kid.

"I'm telling you those ducks are plotting some evil plan against us" Jace yelled

"Which ducks?" Magnus asked laughing

"'Which ducks, which ducks' are you serious its not just a couple ducks it's all ducks in the universe, they might seem harmless but they got some monstrous plan boiling in that small brain of theirs"

"Uncle Jace is silly" Emma said

"You got that right" Alec said

Once they'd pulled into the driveway you could see the light was on inside the house.

"At least we know someone stayed home when you ran out" Magnus said getting out the car and getting Emma out as I got Matt

We all walked up to the door ready to surprise everyone and as we went to knock on the door it opened and we heard a loud squeal.

"Omg, what are you doing here?" Izzy yelled jumping into my arms squeezing the life outta me and Matt

"Izzy the baby" I wheezed

"Oh sorry" she said moving along to Magnus and Emma

As we stepped into the house we got attacked by hugs and kisses and 'We've missed you's'

"What are you guys doing here, Magnus?" Clary said slapping him on the arm

"Oww, don't blame me I didn't know we were coming until I got dragged to the airport by this one over here" Magnus said pointing at me

I let Matt down and let him run to my mom (A/N: forgot to say the twins are about 3 now)

"Well you could have at least called on the way" Izzy said as she dragged Magnus and Emma off with her as I laughed

I looked at Clary and "Wow you've gotten big"

"Oh thanks that means a lot Alec" Clary said sarcastically

"I mean that baby's getting big, not to long to go. And by the way Magnus wants to tell you something later about your baby daddy over there and some certain contraption" Alec said

"Do not listen to him, it was a long flight" Jace butted in

"Yeah I'll be sure to keep that in mind" she said laughing and walking off to ask Magnus

"I'm gonna kill you" I laughed at Jace

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