Chapter 51

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    I wish she wasn't so silent. That she would talk to me. I feel like there is something wrong.
    I did heal her. Yeah. And I felt the energy loss. And smelt blood along with taste.
     But I did heal her. I just didn't think I'd scar. I didn't think I would leave one. And I did.
    And I'm left wondering if she's mad at me. She says she's not. But she's different. She's acting different.
    I can feel her magic though. Which is odd. Her doing magic so soon can't be good.
"Why did you use magic?"
"A room crowded with family and crying babies isn't a good mix."
"Fair point. But are you okay to be using magic?"
"I feel normal, CC."
    I don't... I don't. I think there is something wrong. I feel like there is.
"Are you doing okay? You did drain yourself."
"I'm good. Just worried."
"You, Dakota. I'm worried about you."
"Why? I told you I was okay."
"I feel like I did something wrong. Like I pissed you off. Or something. You're acting different."
"Babe.. I am okay. I'm good. Just been thinking."
"Which worries me. Your silence worries me."
    Her lips take mine in a kiss. I can't help but kiss back. Her magic rushes through me and I see her thoughts.
    All seem happyish. All seem positive. And they.. they are..
     It relieves my worries. To know she thinks we can do this as long as we stick together. To know she still wants me after I gave her a scar.
    And, of course, to know that she's aware that I won't leave her side, ever. It's good to know. It's helpful to know that she finally gets the point that I won't leave.
     I sigh as she pulls away. "I love you. I'm sorry."
"I love you too. And I'm tired. Let's feed them and go back to sleep."
    We start feeding them. Though.. Fiona.. yeah... this is nasty.
    Dakota laughs at me. I'm frozen. Just trapped in a state of pure my daughters spitup rolls down my shirt.
"It's not funny."
"It is. It really is."
"Because it's me. Not you. When this happens to you, I'll laugh."
"You already did when Jason did it."
     I did. She's right. So I deserve the laugh.
    I sigh and heal whatever I can with Fiona. Though the princess doesn't draw any of my power so I doubt she's in any pain or illness.
    Laying her down before grabbing a new shirt and changing. I toss the old shirt into the trashcan. Big nope.
"That was my shirt."
"I'll order you a new one. Or figure out how to summon that."
    She takes my hand and drags me to bed. Her powers leave my senses as she drops the sound barrier around the babies. So we can hear them at all times.
    Climbing in bed with my wife is pleasing. She lays partly on me and nuzzles as close as she can between my neck and the pillow.
"I've missed this." She mumbles, muffled a lot.
"I've missed you too."
"I love you." She muffles the mumble lighter.
"I love you too."
     She gives into sleep and so do I. Nothing like changing diapers and getting barfed on at 3 in the morning. But it's okay. It's all worth it in the end.
    I fall asleep too. To a room of crowded family members. To family and my love.

     This.. this is the one thing I didn't miss. I didn't miss this. I missed being close.. But not this.
     And it sucks that everyone is laughing. Everyone. It fucking hurts.
     Relief as she heals me.
"I'm sorry.."
"I am."
"So like everyone in this family kicks in their sleep?" Zack asks.
    Valerie and I immediately say yes. And Dakota groans and gets out of bed. Mimicking Ninfa in a way.
    At least she took care of my morningwood before anyone noticed? Not the way I enjoy that being taken care of.. but.. eh..
    The room stops. To the sound of a monster.. in Dakota's stomach.
"Uh.. babe, you hungry?"
"No. Absolutely not."
    Valerie laughs to Dakota. "Alright. Using your kitchen to make breakfast though."
"Go for it." I speak for Dakota. Who busy herself with Fiona.
    I get up and scoop Elijah. He wrinkles his nose but keeps his eyes open.
"Hey little prince."
"He looks as manly as you. Definitely going for that beard too." Finnley says.
"Beard? Beard? I DON'T HAVE A BEARD."
"You totally do."
"Stop messing with my wife, idiot. She doesn't have a beard."
"I don't have a beard... Do I?"
"No, babe. You're good. You're perfect."
"I want to kick him in the nuts. I want to." I mumble so he can't hear.
"Do it. Do it. I would love you more."
"Do it."
    My wife is the devil. Seriously. Devil on my shoulder.
    My stomach turns from being nervous. But I move quickly. Finnley drops to the floor.
"Yeah.. okay.. deserved.." he groans from the floor.
    I feel less bad about it. Ninfa goes into laughter. So does Zack and even the little siblings. I feel a lot less bad.
"Good job, babe." Dakota kisses my cheek.
    We all head downstairs. Didn't notice Zack bringing the cradles down. But I lay down Elijah and Dakota does same with Fiona.
    Sitting on the floor in front of them and waiting for Valerie to give the all clear for breakfast being done.
"I made bottles." Ninfa says and hands them to us.
    Is it too early to feed again? 2 hours right.. Little too early..
"We actually fed them already, ma."
"You did? When was that at?"
"3am. Fiona made Chalrey trash my shirt."
"Ew... But happens all the time. I'll put the bottles in the fridge."
"Thanks, momma."
     I love how much of a kid she still is. Dakota didn't think she was ready because she's childish but I think she is ready because she is childish. We all relate to our children in our own way. That could be hers.
    Not sure what I can do. My parents were horrible but they did try to be something. I can only hope I'll be better than them.
    Dakota's hand grabbing mine startles me.
"Are you okay?"
"Lost in thought, I suppose."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just watching you. You can connect to them more than I could."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you're beautiful. Have a loving touch. And your childish ways will connect with them in ways I can't. I can only hope I'll be a better parent than my own were with me."
"I think you're doing a great job so far, babe. And I'm by your side. I have no doubt we could be childish together and connect."
"You think?"
    She lightly squeezes my hand. "Yes."
    I rest my head on her shoulder. Waiting for food and trying not to let my mind destroy me. I worry a lot. Fret over things that I should really just let go.
     We all eat. And by the time we do finish, Dakota and I feed the twins. It's crazy that they're almost a full week. Like 1 day away. And they are growing too.
     I love my prince and princess. I love them in ways I never thought love could. A mother to child love is different from all other types of love. In a way, I love my children more than I do Dakota. And I love Dakota more than cheese pizza and nachos. And I love those a lot.
"Hey, you guys want to game?" Finnley looks to us. Between us.
"I would like to.. But I really want a nap. Providing the twins allow me." Dakota speaks.
    Not exactly what I was expecting her to say. But I know how she feels. Being woken at 3am and then woken again at 6am. Fun stuff.
"Well, I hope you rest well. Think were going to leave you and Charley for the night and on. But if you need us, we will be there in a second."
"Thank you, bro. That means a lot." Dakota hugs Finnley.
    I'm forced to drop her hand just to pick up the sleeping Elijah. Glad this guy didn't pee on me.. Or vomit.
    Her hand takes mine as soon as we are set. It seems her mother has already moved the cradles back to our room. With just the wave of her hand. Valerie is quite amazing all the time.
    Dakota teleports us to our room. Laying the babies down again, I climb into bed after. Dakota climbs into bed and flops on top of me.
"Hold me.."
"Forever, D."
"Good.. I'm glad."
"They look a lot like you."
"No. They look like you more than me. I can see your eyes more than anything. But got the ears, nose and eyes down."
"Got your beautiful dimples. Hair. Their eyes do have a lot of purple in them. If the dimples are yours, I'm sure they'll have your lips too."
"They're so beautiful."
"You did good. I'm proud of you, baby. I'm proud that you gave me the best gift to ever give someone. You have me a family before they were born and now it's even bigger."
    She nuzzles into my neck and squeeze me at the same time. I have no problem holding her as tightly as possible. She's my love forever.
"Can we nap? Please?"
"Of course."
    With the words, she falls asleep. I give in and fall asleep with her. Still alert enough to keep track on the twins, just in case.
      If anything happens, I'll be ready. But I fall asleep. Home.

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