Chapter 45

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    I feel all kinds of emotion right now. Messed up emotions. My son is home asleep because my wife had to force him to sleep and take his memory away.
    School seems to be ticking by slower and slower. I can tell Dakota is all worried about everything. Which everyone has pleaded she shouldn't. And she doesn't know about her brother.
    I honestly.. Don't think anyone should know besides Valerie and I. If we were on earth and immortal beings could die under the right circumstances, that demon would be dead by Finnley's hand.
    I don't think he would have come back from this. Not at all. In the split second, I'm sure he thought he killed him and that's what sent him into more of a panic.
    The man deserves to die. He does. To ever touch anyone like that and get away with it. It's wrong. Extremely wrong.
"Ma?" Dakota pulls me out of my fog.
"Yeah, babygirl?"
"You didn't eat.."
"I'm not hungry. Thinking over the final lesson plans for the end of class. Kept me a little off and out of focus."
    I lied. But something I actually need to do... But I lied.. And perfectly. She doesn't suspect anything.
"I could help."
"No. You need to keep yourself from stress and worry."
"I can help." Charley offers instead.
"No. You have a big job already."
"That being?"
"I love you, babygirl. But you need someone forcing this on you."
"Oh. She's my job. Yeah. Okay. I got this." Charley says and wraps her arms around Dakota.
    I roll my eyes with light laughter to the annoyed expression on Dakota. My babygirl. So perfect but in risk to lose her pure heart. That adds to my worry.
    I'm glad she has Charley. I'm glad Finnley has Zack. I'm just sad that trouble has made it's way to them.
    Finnley didn't deserve what happened. But I'm glad that Valerie took his memory. If she didn't, I know he would never be the same.
    Valerie will be off for a while. Going against something she made a promise on. To take ones memory is am easy thing to be done for her but she never likes doing it. And never does it.
    So having to do it on Finnley. Even when she had offered it to Dakota once, she always believed it was wrong. That ones memories were who they are and they had that given right.
    Taking Finnley's memories was for the best. It was. I can see that. But it's going to take her a little time to see it too.
    I have a feeling she's going to be in a very heavy mind state. Overthinking or blank. If I can just show her what I see.
    The bell rings. I begin class again. Dakota steals my lunch since I hadn't ate. I allow because my grandchildren need it. It.. is weird.. it is. Like.. I'm going to be a grandma.. like.. yeah.
    Going through the rest of the day is in a blur. I manage to keep track of lesson and do as I planned. My brain on autopilot the whole rest of the day.
    Getting home to my wife.. trapped in her thoughts or even just lost in general. Talking with her doesn't seem to help her at all.
    The constant words of being a bad mother break my heart. If only she could see what I see. If only she saw what I see in her.
    Climbing into bed I drag her with me. And the conversation continues. Time stopped. Her tears are no more but I can feel her pain and raw anger.
    I never hate. But I hate this man. For all that she showed me, for everything he did. He was watching us. Watching Finnley. He touched Finnley. I hate him. And I wouldn't mind ripping his heart in half with Sekia... but.. I can't.
    Her.. her saying those words.. that she's a bad mother.. they.. they bring me a pain.. a pain.. I can use.
"Look at me.."
    Her ruby eyes.. perfect but yet filled with sadness beyond all means.
    I focus on the pain but also the love. I allow her into my mind and share memories. From each time she saved me. From each time she would catch me before I fell. From each time she saved a human. From each time she saved an innocent. From each time one of our children got hurt in however way they could and she saved them. From each time someone thanked her for help. From each time our children say they love her. From each time I say it. Each time someone is grateful to be living happy because of her. And finally the smile that Finnley showed at dinner. Because she was a good mother to help him. To make him smile without a care that something terrible happened.
    They all play out like a movie. And it takes a while for it all to come together. But once it is done I can see her tearing up. Tears slowly go down her cheeks.
"You're a lot more good than you think you are, Valerie. You're a wonderful mother. You're a great leader. And we all love you for what you do for us. Finnley needed you to do this because without you doing this, he would never be the same. Our son would be a hallowed shell but instead he smiles and laughs and is happy because of you. We all love you. We all believe in you. And you were only doing more good by this, not evil."
"I'm still good? Still light? Still doing the right thing? Even if it felt wrong?"
"Yes, my love. You did a good thing."
"Thank you.."
"I just want you to see what I see."
"I do. I do. I'm always going to hate myself in some way. It's just me. But I see."
"I think we will make it through. I think we will be okay."
    She lays her head down, hiding herself into my chest again. I don't let go. I can't let go. I won't.
    She sighs. "Can we rest? Can we sleep? Is that a thing we can do?"
"Yes. Of course."
"Will my mind allow?"
"It it doesn't, I'll wake and steal your dreams away."
    And to the end of my worse, she falls asleep. I fall with her. Ready to take the dreams away at the same time as I am asleep.

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