''I'm telling you!'' Harry yelled. Louis chuckled and shook his head, blue eyes sparkling happily. ''Sure, Haz.

Harry groaned and pushed his extra helmet against Louis' chest. ''C'mon, ballerina. Let's go to your dance school.'' Louis pushed the helmet over his head and climbed behind Harry on his motorcycle. Harry waited until he felt Louis his slender arms wrap around his torso tightly before speeding off.

Harry thanked the lord that Louis liked it to drive with him on his motorcycle. Ballet was Louis his life and driving on a motorcycle was Harry's life.

The older boy felt Louis' arms fall from his waist when he stopped in front of the ballet school. Louis waved at Harry and spun around, ready to leave but he stopped. He looked at Harry and gestured him to turn off his motorcycle.

Harry looked at him in confusion but did as the blue-eyed boy asked him. He looked at Louis who was looking at the floor shyly. ''You can come with me if you'd like.'' Harry's heart skipped a beat. He quickly nodded his head and parked his vehicle. 

He walked next to Louis as they entered the building. Louis smiled at the woman behind the desk and placed his hand in Harry's bigger one. Harry looked at their intertwined fingers and grinned.

The ballerina led them to 'his' room and closed the door. A brown haired boy was dancing in front of the mirror, jumping slightly when the door fell shut. ''Sorry, Li. I didn't mean to startle you.'' Louis apologized.

Liam smiled at the smaller boy. ''Hey, it's fine. I knew it was you, this is your room.'' Louis laughed. He looked at Harry and blushed slightly when he saw Harry was already looking back at him with a fond smile. Louis excused himself as he went to change into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.

Harry glared at the muscular boy in front of him. ''Hi, mate! I am Liam, Louis and I will dance together at the show tomorrow.'' Harry nodded his head.

''I'm Harry. Louis and I go to school together.'' Liam smiled at him and sat down next to him. ''Don't worry, Harry I have a girlfriend.'' Harry raised an eyebrow at Liam. ''I saw the way you're looking at Louis.'' Liam whispered.

Harry coughed uncomfortably when Louis skipped into the room. The pretty lad noticed the tension in the air and frowned. ''Is everything alright?'' He asked, worry lacing his voice.

''Yes, love. Everything is fine.'' Harry assured him and kissed his knuckles.

Harry watched as Liam and Louis started dancing. It was only their warming up but Harry was already gaping. Damn, they were good.

Then Louis tripped over his own feet, Liam was quick to grab the boy and pull him into his arms. Louis laughed and pushed his nose into Liam's neck, making Harry growl in jealousy.

''Ready to go, Lou?'' Liam asked once the boy was standing on his own feet again. Louis spun around so that he was looking into the mirror. ''Hey, Harry? Can you maybe start the song dead inside by muse?'' Louis asked and gave Harry his phone.

Harry started the song and watched silently as the two boys began to dance to the beat. He licked his lips, looking at Louis and the way he was moving his body. The curly haired boy absolutely loved it to see Louis' body and Liam's body moving in sync. It was amazing to see.

Liam and Louis practised the entire afternoon. Making each arm movement and each jump perfect. After their umpteenth dance, Louis plopped down on Harry's lap, panting fiercely.

''Can't. Breathe.'' He gasped. Harry rolled his eyes and ruffled Louis' hair, grimacing slightly since it was sweaty. Liam wiped his forehead with his towel and took a few large gulps from his water bottle after checking his watch.

''Hm... Lou, I have to go. See you tomorrow night, yeah?'' Louis opened his eyes and waved at his dance partner from where he was still laying on Harry's lap.

Harry caressed the younger boys his face with his fingertips and smiled softly. Louis yawned and stared at Harry. ''Did you like it?" He asked.

Harry nodded his head and boobed his nose. "You're so passionate about it. I love it."

Louis scoffed. "I've been through hell and back for ballet. Of course I am passionate about it." He grinned.

"Well... I am shit at dancing so it's a good thing." Louis shook his head. "I'm sure you're not that bad... let's dance!" He jumped up.

Harry's face paled and he shook his head. "No. No, let's not." He said quickly.

Louis pouted, his shoulders slumping. Harry groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, Louis. But if we magically fall out of a window, don't blame me." Louis squealed and wrapped Harry's arms around his waist.

He gently placed his own on Harry's shoulders. "Let's just... You can slow dance, right?" Harry frowned at him.

"Of course I can." Louis giggled as Harry took the lead in their dance.

He moved them to the rhythm of the song playing on the radio. No, Harry couldn't dance, but he played the guitar so he was very good at noticing the rhythm of a song.

They were doing so well that Harry laughed because  Louis was actually right for once.

Just then, Louis tripped over his own bag laying on the ground.

Both boys fell to the ground with a loud thump. Louis groaned as his head hit the wooden floor.

Harry was laying on top of him, but he leaned his weight on his hands, not wanting to crush Louis.

Louis glared at him. "I told you..." Harry whispered. Louis rolled his eyes and grinned at the boy above him.

The older lad looked at the younger's lips and back at his bright blue eyes.

Louis breathed out. "Are you gonna kiss me or what?" Harry laughed and leaned down to press his lips against Louis'.

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