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''Faggot.'' Louis clutched his books closer to his chest and sighed deeply at the insult.

He rushed to his next class. Blushing fiercely upon hearing the mean and sarcastic snickers behind his back.

The small boy sat down in the back of the classroom. Now, you might think that's where all the jocks, football players and bullies are but no.

They were sat in the front. They were loud, arrogant and wouldn't pay attention to anything the teacher would be saying when they were sat in the back. So they were not allowed to sit in the back of the classroom.

The back of the classroom was for the nerds, ugly people, bullied people and well... Louis.

Louis slammed his books onto the table to rest his head on top of them. He wanted this day to end already. He wanted to run to the ballet school, bravo ballet school, slip into his pointe shoes and dance for the rest of the day to clear his mind.

It's not that he didn't like this class. On the contrary, Harry Styles was actually sitting in front of him.

Louis stared at the older boy through his eyelashes. He loved that Harry was so popular yet he never bullied or disrespected anyone.

The boy would always stop bullies, but he was still friends with them and Louis thought that was a shame.

Harry laughed and grinned at something his best friend, Niall Horan, said, making his dimples show.

Louis sighed dreamily, wishing he could make Harry laugh like that. His head shot up when his English teacher slammed the door shut to get everyone's attention before telling them to open their textbook on page 78...


School was finally over. After 8 hours of pure torture, Louis was free. He smiled at the dirty floor as he made his way towards his lockers. He placed his books inside of it and pulls out his bag with his ballet clothes.

For the first time in weeks, he managed to get out of the school without facing any bullies. The insults were still there but Louis didn't care about those.

He wouldn't let words like gay, fairy, faggot, trans or anything else get to him. However, he hated the physical things.

Kicks hurt him and because of the sore spots he had after they abused him, dancing was a hard thing to do.

Louis ran down the street, took a turn and skipped into the building. Some girls giggled and waved at him. Louis waved back before running into his room, as Louis liked to call the room he practised in.

He walked over to the dressing room and dressed in his comfortable ballet clothes which consisted of grey sweatpants, a tank top and his pointe shoes.

He made his way back to the dancefloor and sat down on the ground. He kicked his worn-out all-stars off his feet and replaced them with his dainty, pink pointe shoes.

It's not usual for boys to wear pointe shoes. It's usually quite hard for boys to find pointe shoes that will fit them, but Louis was so dainty and feminine that he had no trouble finding a pair that fit him perfectly.

Louis only danced with pointe shoes on when he was practising or dancing alone. His teacher, Anna, was nice enough to teach him.

Louis tied the ribbons around his calves strongly before starting to stretch and warm up his muscles. He breathed in through his nose, leaning forward until he was touching his toes.

After a little while, he was done. He stood up and carefully made his way over to the radio to plug in his phone. He hummed a little while he connected his phone with the radio's Bluetooth before opening Spotify and clicking on the first song in his playlist.

He started to move on the music as the tones of Swan Lake, op.20, act 2: no. 10. filled the room. He looked at himself in the mirror, criticising his every move. He frowned at every mistake he made, not knowing that a certain curly haired lad was watching him with wide eyes.


Harry walked into the building with slouched shoulders. His sister forgot her pointe shoes when she left to her stupid ballet school and basically begged Harry to bring them to her.

''Hi, uh... I'm looking for Gemma Styles?'' He asked a lady who was sitting in one of the little offices in the main hall.

''Oh, yes, dear. Just walk into that door, you'll see a stairwell. Go upstairs and walk through the hall at the top of the stairwell. It's not a big hall. At the end of the hall, there's a door. Open it and go right and then you need to have the second door on your left. That's where Gemma is.'' The lady told him.

Harry blinked at her, asking her to repeat it because she was rambling at he wasn't that fast.

Harry thanked the lady politely and walked towards the white door. He opened it and sighed heavily upon seeing the long stairwell. He swung his bag over his shoulder and slouched up the stairs as slowly as he could.

Like the lady said, there was a hallway. Soft music was audible. Harry noticed it as the swan lake, nothing more, nothing less.

He passed a window and froze. He looked down at the room beneath it, seeing the dainty and pretty boy from his school spinning and jumping through the air.

Harry's green eyes widened. He placed a hand against the cool glass and watched while the boy danced ever so gracefully. ''Oh my God.'' Harry breathed out. Yes, he saw the boy in his English class. His name was... Lennart? Lewis? Louis! That's it.

Harry dropped his bag, focusing on the beauty in front of him. He never knew how good this boy could dance. He had thought it was quite weird for a boy to dance but that changed now that he saw how good Louis was.

He heard Louis cry out if frustration. The boy sat down on the ground, shaking his head. Harry frowned. What happened? He looked perfect. Why'd he stop?

Harry shrugged it off and decided to go to his sister. He followed the woman's directions for as far as he could remember after the distraction called Louis.

He wanted to talk to Louis. But how... Why would the boy like him after all those years of Harry ignoring Louis? How could he possibly draw the younger's attention...

The curly haired boy opened the last door. A breath of relief leacing his lips when he saw Gemma was inside. She also sighed in relief once she saw her younger brother.

"You're the best, H." She ruffled his perfectly styled hair which made Harry groan. He looked in the mirror and fixed his hair. Gemma rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"I'm gonna look for the other girls, bye Harry." Harry grabbed her hand and looked at his feet.

"Uh, Gem. I was wondering. Do they have spare rooms where you can teach yourself how to dance?" Gemma looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Y-yeah. They're downstairs. I'll take you there tomorrow if you want me to."

"Please." Harry squeaked.

Gemma nodded and gave her little brother one last hug before leaving him alone in the room.

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