Harry wiped the sweat away from his forehead. Fuck no. Dancing was not his things.

He didn't try ballet, that's for sure. He tried some hip-hop lessons on youtube. And now he's fucking tired and sweaty.

He looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was matted to his forehead. So much for having the perfect hairdo.

He tried the easy steps from the 30 seconds during dance once more before giving up. He plopped down on the ground. He went to Instagram and scrolled through his feed.

Just then a soft voice echoed through the empty hallway. "Yes, of course. I'll see you tomorrow then!" Harry jumped up.

This room has windows so Louis would be able to see Harry. Harry turned on his music and starts to dance again.

From the corner of his eye, he could see Louis looking at him. Harry smirked, knowing he got the smaller boy's attention. 

He spun around and... twitched his ankle and slammed down against the floor. He heard a loud gasp as he groaned in pain.

The door to the room slammed open. Harry looked up to see a horeified Louis rushing towards him. Louis dropped his bag on the ground.

He dropped onto his knees next ti Harry. "Holy shit! Are you alright?" The boy asked him, concern in his deep blue eyes.

Harry sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah... 'm fine." He grumbled. Louis shook his head. "Are you sure? You ankle..." Louis said gently.

"I'm fine." Harry snapped. Louis looked down at his lap in shame, twiddling his fingers together.

Way to go dickhead. Now he's upset.

Harry sighed. "Sorry, love. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm fine. I was being stupid."

Louis looked up at him, tilting his head to the side. "Why?"

Harry huffed. "Because I can't even dance."

"Why're you here, then?" Louis asked, generally confused.

"Because you are here. Saw you dancing the other day. Let's just say that you impressed me. I wanted your attention." Harry chuckled nervously.

Louis blushed and looked next to him with a smile on his face. "You certainly have it now." He said dryly. Harry laughed loudly at that.

"Good. It was my intention. Not to fall though... wanted to impress you with my dancing skills." Louis frowned.

"What skills? You're like a giraffe. You shouldn't dance." Harry scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah, well. Not everyone is as good as you mister ballerina." Louis smiled and stood up, offering Harry his tiny hand.

Harry took it, even if he pushed himself up slightly since Louis would never be able to help him up all by himself.

Harry winced slightly when he leaned on his painful ankle. Louis' eyes filled with concern. "Are you sure you're okay? We have doctors who can take a look at it or I can get you some ice or water if you're thirsty." Harry placed a hand over Louis his mouth. .

"I'm okay. Thank you." Louis breathed out in relief. "Thank God, because the doctor here is a total bitch." Harry chuckled and snatched Louis his bag from the ground.

"Can I walk you home?"
"Why would you-"
"Louis, I literally just fell to get your attention. Please let me walk you home." Louis breathlessly nodded his head.

Harry swung the boy his bag over his shoulder and walked next to the boy as they walked home.

"So... you're really good at dancing." Harry said, trying to make small talk.

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