"Yes, an hour or so ago, Doc."

"And before that?"

"No, never."

"To your knowledge, do FTS members use such devices for communication?"

"No, never heard of anything like it."

"Have you ever heard the following names: Sirid Unnal?"


"Kania Lurdh?"


"Timon Feihn?"

"That... that sounds familiar."

"You heard the name Timon Feihn before?"

"Yeah, I think so."


"I don't know... I don't remember."

"Try to remember for me, Dalek, will you? You know what happens if you don't."

"No, Doc, please... No more electroshocks, please. They don't help me remember."

"Then try to remember. Timon Feihn, Dalek. Timon Feihn."

"Oh shit. I can't remember, Doc. I swear."

"Take your time and think about it, Dalek. Timon Feihn."


A WEEK AFTER Kania met Rilad for the first time, he and Timon were guests in her apartment again, while Sirid was still up on the Gen.

Rilad constructed a tracking device during the week of their absence. Kania hid it, switched on, under the sofa. She would've preferred to put it into the board where they kept their souvenirs, but Rilad advised against that, fearing it wouldn't work properly shielded by a layer of imitation wood.

The worst was: she had to leave it under the sofa the entire week.


Nal Ghanik conducted all personal meetings in the jungle. That was the safest method. Far enough away from RSW spies and bugs... Nal chuckled. A big black beetle crept towards him in the shine of his car's headlights. The jungle saved one from spying bugs, if not from real ones.

Over the years, Nal scouted out fifteen meeting places, which he used randomly. He had a collection of pressed ferns at home in case someone asked what he did in the jungle. He even developed a remote interest in his alibi and gathered specimen from 75 different ferns over the years. He ripped out a fern leaf from a nearby plant, teasing the big black beetle with it.

Finally, headlights appeared. Sirid was coming. Nal stepped onto the bug and listened to the crunch with which it died under his boot.

Sirid parked his car, and approached Nal.

"Nal, so good to see you."

"Same to you, Sirid."

They hugged each other and patted each other's backs.

"How are you doing? Has headquarters any idea what really happened on the Gen when they evacuated us?" Sirid asked.

"I know what you're thinking. Another team. Headquarters hasn't put all eggs into one basket."


"I don't know, Sirid, could be. Actually, I'd be kinda scared if we were the only team with direct connection to the Gen."

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