Real life heroes

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"Thanks man, my foot slipped". I am happy he was there to pull me up. I look around, the is only Ian, a kid..around 9 year old crying, a teenage boy who might be 17 and the man making sure people waited their turn.

"Are you okay Zac ? That was a hard landing". Ian look at me with concern.
I nod. "Yeah I'm fine, but I am probably going to be a bit blue over the ribs tomorrow". I say, it does kind of hurt, but we have other things to worry about now.

"So how are we getting down from here ? The stairs are gone". Ian say, looking around. "Also I am not sure if the platform will stay upright till we get help".

I look down, we are more than 70 foot up. At least the platform has relatively close bars the whole way down. "Yeah we need to climb down".

"You are right, there is no other way. If you climb first, you are a lot stronger than me, you might be able to catch someone if they slip". Ian says.

"You have a lot of faith in me". I say. I don't think I could catch someone. "But okay, I'll go first. You make sure everyone get down and go last".

Ian nods. "Yup, I'll go last and make sure everyone keeps moving". He looks at the little kid in the corner. "What do we do about him ?"

I go squat down in front of the kid. "Hi there kid, what is your name ?"

"Sam, my name is Sam". He say, tears streaming down his face as he looks up at me. This definitely won't be easy.

I smile at him, and take his hand shaking it. "Well hi Sm, I am Zac. We need to get down from here. Do you think you can climb ?"

"No, I am so scared". He says, then his face lights up for a short moment. "Hey, you are Shazam, aren't you ?"

"Well yeah, or I play him". I send him a smile. We need to get him down somehow. "Are you sure you can't climb down".

His lips are trembling and he looks about to panic. "I am not very good at climbing, and I am afraid to look down. I don't dare".

"Okay.. do you trust me Sam ?" I ask, I need to do this another way then.

He looks at me for a moment. Then he nods. "Yeah, I trust you, I mean you are Shazam, you are a real superhero".

"Okay then. I'll carry you down okay ? But you need to hold on really tight okay ? Can you do that for me ?" I ask him. Not that I look forward to making the climb with about 70 lbs on my back, but I need to get the kid down.

Ian helps him get up on my back, and he cling to me. Ian sends me a reassuring smile. "See you at the bottom Zac".

"Climb careful Ian, I don't want to have to catch you". I say, and swing my legs over the side, starting the slow descent, talking to Sam, reminding him to hold on.

I run closer, getting hit by a piece of flying wood when the stairs collapses. Luckily most people had run to safety before it feel, but I do see a few getting buried in the debris. There are others there trying to help, so I focus on the platform, hoping and also knowing that Ian must have been behind Zac.

After waiting for what feels forever someone swings over the side, and start slowly climbing down. It's a huge bulky figure. Not even Zac is that big. But after a few moment I realise that it is him, he is carrying someone on his back. So typical Zac, risking himself to save someone.

I am biting my nails in fear, watching him climb slowly towards the ground. I am scared he is going to fall or the kid on his back will fall. Shortly after him, a thin figure, nothing more than a big kid, start climbing, and then someone wearing the parks uniform. And then, I have no doubt, the last person is Ian, and I breathe a small sigh of relief.

Then as Zac is probably 15 feet of the ground the teenager crawling above him slips, he desperately try to get a hold, but his feet can't get a hold, and he slides downwards, way to fast. "Zac watch out".

He looks up, and I see how he braces himself. Part of me want to scream out not to play hero, but I know he is going to do it no matter what. The kid falling weighs maybe 110  lbs.. can he really catch that with one arm:. And keep his own grip already having the extra weight on his back ?

I see him reach out, grabbing the kids arm, and I might let out a small scream. I can see the muscles in Zac arm, shoulder and back bulge from the strain, from where I am standing. But the kid stops, and gets a hold again. Zac holding onto his arm til he is sure. Then gently padding the kids shoulder, before they climb the last bit down to safety.

Zac gently put down the little kid and I see a man and a woman run over, falling to their knees, hugging the kid into them. I make my way over there myself. Zac is intently watching the park employe and my brother, making sure they get down safely.

"Zac !" I throw myself into his arms, hugging him as hard as I can. "Oh God I thought I lost you". The tears are springing from my eyes.

He winds his arms around me. "I am okay baby and I am so happy to see you safe and sound".

"Hey not worried for me at all ?" Ian comes over looking all offended. Then he slaps Zac on the shoulder. "Seriously man that was an amazing catch".

I go to hug Ian tightly too. "I am happy to see you too Huggie, but I know you, you are not that easy to get rid of".

The parents to the small kid comes over, tabbing Zac on the shoulder. "Sam told us everything you did. You are a real life superhero and I will make sure everyone gets to know that". The man holds out his hand, shaking Zac's hand, presenting himself as the mayor of the city.

"Oh it really wasn't anything special". Zac actually looks a bit uncomfortable getting praised like that.

The teenage kid come over too, shaking his head. "Oh but it was, you totally saved my life dude.. and that jump up there, from the broken slide, totally awesome. You are a hero".

"What jump ?" I look at Zac, so he had been on the slide.

Ian steps up. "You should have seen your man Twinkle. He stopped himself right on the edge when the slide collapsed and then he made a 6 foot jump upwards from a wet slide. That was like right out of an action movie".

"Yeah but hadn't it been for Ian, I probably wouldn't have made the jump. Slipped and banged into the edge. He pulled me up". Zac says rubbing his ribs, and I can see they are starting to bruise.

I put an arm around each of them, pulling them into me. "My heroes. And now we better go find the others". I really hope everyone is okay.

Love and other disasters (A Zac and Tom story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt