Must've Had A Good Time

Start from the beginning

She reminded me of Peggy. I mean, the two were sisters, but Peggy was kind of her own person. She didn't hang out around her sisters all too much, and they definitely have really different personalities, but I could see the similarities between Angie and Pegs.

Me and the oldest sister talked for a bit before I left to make my way back home.

~time skup to Friday~

Peggy had me come over earlier to help her get ready. I put her hair up into a high ponytail with a yellow bow on her head. She wore a yellow crop top with cut out shoulders, and short shorts that clung to her body. She had yellow knee high socks and black Converse. She looked adorable, perfect for a party like today.

I also helped out with setting up. There were yellow balloons set up in various spots, and the kitchen isle was filled with snacks and alcohol. Honestly, it looked like a yellow themed prom, only more... Mature.

I wore a simple yellow tank and black jeans, Peggy had helped me choose out clothes.

People began flooding in around seven and soon the house wreaked of weed and alcohol. I was fully sober and probably the only person who wasn't high off my ass. I was getting uncomfortable with all the drugs and alcohol going around, as well as the fact that some girl, who I recognized to be named Adrienne from school, was continuously flirting with me.

Currently, I sat inbetween her and Hercules, slowly sipping on my first drink of the night. Adrienne sat next to me, twirling her hair, making highly unwanted physical contact, and trying to hook up with me, but even if I were interested I wouldn't take advantage of her drunken state. I wasn't that kind of person.

I swirled my straw around in my drink, sighing softly. My head had begun pounding, half at the noise and half at the smell. I was being touched way too much in the wrong places by the wrong person. Adrienne had set her hand on my thigh as she took another shot of... Something. Whatever her friend had given her. She then put her body against mine, causing me to move away uncomfortably.

Unfortunately, behind me sat Hercules, and I ran into him when moving away from the blonde. He looked over at me and my face flushed. Adrienne was trying to be seductive, ultimately failing in the eyes of anyone who was sober.

"Back up, Adrienne. Can't you see he's not interested?" Hercules voice was dull, as if he had something in his mind. However, it scared Adrienne away seeing someone stand up for me and she left. I know she'd be back later, probably drunker than ever, but I at least had a moment away and I wasn't gonna waste it.

I turned to my saviour behind me. "Thanks for helping me with her..." I stated quietly, but even over the noise he somehow heard me. "Hey, it's alright. Couldn't have a cutie like you being uncomfortable because of a slut like her, now can I?"

His words made my face flush. "I'm... She's not a slut. She just... Likes me, I guess..." He nodded. "Whatever you say, Princess." My face heated up more and I looked away. "You must be really drunk, huh?" I asked, stirring my Sangria once more.

He cocked his head. "What do you mean?" I shook my head. "Nevermind. Don't worry about it." He raised an eyebrow but nodded anyways.

I didn't say anything after that, instead grabbing my glass and walking outside to the courtyard, away from the noise. My head was pounding. I simply stood in the middle of the yard, the party playing off in the background.

It was a mistake coming here...

I stayed in the courtyard for the rest of the night.


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