We both put our hands on the door handle, panting.

"Morning, love." He said still out of breath, smirking.

"Hi." I panted, he was annoying.


We stood there for a moment.

"I'm not moving." I said.

"Neither am I." he smiled bigger.

I checked my watch.

"Well, looks like were not moving for another hour then" I thought out loud to my watch.

"Ive got no problem with waiting." He said trying to annoy me more.

"Neither do I." I rolled my eyes looking away keeping my hand on the door handle.

Our hands were touching.

Only slightly though.

I bit my lower lip slightly feeling the warmth of his hand near mine.

This was weird.

I sighed letting go of the handle, sitting on the ground.

"Gave up?" He asked.

"Yeah, this is dumb. I woke up at 4:00 this morning. I'm tired." I said leaning my head against the wall, chewing the inside of my mouth.

He sat down next to me laughing. "Yeah, I'm glad you thought so too. I don't know how much longer I could wake up early and come to a stupid maths class."

I inwardly laughed at his statement, relating all too well.

We sat in silence for a good moment til he started talking again.

"You know, (Y/N), I'm in a band, The Quarrymen, and we're playing at a party tonight." He started saying, until I cut him off

"A party? Aren't you like, 40??" I ask half serious.

"Hm right. I'm 18, cheeky girl. It isn't just a party, it's a birthday for some girl. Her nob friend is paying us to play." He said.

A party?

"There'll be alcohol too, I'm so glad. I'll need it." He added rubbing his face.


If my mom found out I was going to a party like that, I'd be dead.

He noticed my frazzled look and smiled, pulling out a cigarette box and pulling a lighter from his shirt pocket.

I dazed until I realize what he was doing.

"Are you dumb?" I said watching him light a cigarette.

"Kinda. Why?" He said sucking in the smoke, and blowing it up in the air, then looking at me.

"You're just gonna smoke here? Now?" It was like I was talking to a 4 year old with a cigarette addiction.

He put the cigarette between his teeth, and looked around then back at me, taking out of his mouth. "There's no one here is there?" He asked smirking, talking to me as if I was the dumb one.

I furrowed my eyebrows at his question. That made him laugh.

What was it about him that I liked? He was rude, broke rules, and he didn't have any shame.

I sighed slightly, he snapped me back out of my thoughts, "So are you gonna come?" He said ashing the half smoked cigarette on the floor between us, saving it for later.

"It doesn't seem like a good idea, like how do I ask my mom to go to a party?" I said getting nervous.

He started to laugh and hugged his knees, "Well you're not supposed to tell her the truth! Say you're going over to that girl's house. The one you sit with during lunch!"

That Idiot (John Lennon x Reader (Imagine))Where stories live. Discover now