Don't Be Sad

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John pulled my face to look at him. He kissed me softly saying "I don't want you to leave." He whispered, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

Ive never had such a satisfying feeling like this before. We just kissed and boy was I nervous.

My heart was beating fast as I looked at his eyes.

His eyelashes were long.

"You don't?" I whispered back.

He shook his head no before kissing my jawline.

His kisses felt warm and wet.

Why now? All of a sudden, and without warning.

As much as I wanted to stay out with him, I knew I shouldn't.

And I didn't.

"I really should go." I said, he pulled away from my neck looking a little surprised.

"I really need to check on my Grandmother, do homework and all that. It's very late also..." I said stating truths and burdens.

He sat back in his seat, "Well, don't be long then. Do what you have to do." He avoided looking at me.

"I'm sorry." I said getting out and walking up the driveway hearing him leave.

I made my way through the dark living room, and made it to my room, turning on the light and closing the door.

I sat on my bed. Reflecting back. I still had a feeling of his lips lingering.

Did I make him mad? His attitude completely changed in such a short moment.

Sunday went by slow without a doubt. I was alone with my Grandmother all day, we talked when she had energy, and I fed her breakfast lunch an dinner. I read her a few chapters from a book that I usually read to her as well. Then she finally fell asleep.

I went to my room and thought about John, until I fell asleep as well.

My alarm went off at a reasonable time today. I felt rested and got dressed for school.

It was really cloudy today. It looked like it was going to rain sooner or later.

As I was walking down the street, almost at school, I see John's truck drive by.

He didn't stop.

He didn't slow down.

He didn't even honk.

What was going on with him?

My heart flipped thinking back to Friday night, and how awkward things will be in class.

I mean, I didn't want things to be weird between us. I want to be able to joke with him and be cool with him.

Once i made it to first period, he wasn't there.

I sighed to myself realising how dramatic this situation was getting and took notes.

I wasn't gonna fail because some boy got his ego hurt by being rejected.

That's basically what happened, right?

John was, and is, an idiot.

The more I thought about him, the more pissed off I got.

Michelle wasn't in class either.

Great, I'm gonna be alone.

When I walked in the lunch room, people were staring and whispering. I brushed off the looks and went to the coke vending machine.

That Idiot (John Lennon x Reader (Imagine))Where stories live. Discover now