teacher (revised)

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Adeelah p.o.v

I was spinning around in ben's chair trying to help him with sorting papers.

"So someone told me your dating lyric."
"Yea. I started dating him last week."

"How has it been so far."
"It's been good. It not like I can tell you much from one week."
"So your not trying to replace Gil in any way."

"Ben I have been over him since forever."
"Don't be such a liar."

"Ben I'm over Gil and have moved on."
"Sometimes I wonder what side love is on."
"The one that believes."
"Then love isn't on your side. Sometimes adeelah you need to listen to me."
"Oh, yea cause your relationship with mal was going amazing."
"When she left did I move on. No, I went and try to find her. After all, I knew that she was the one and that I wasn't gonna hurt anyone else because I needed a rebound."
"I think the kingly ego is getting to you cause I sure am not about to deal with your stupidity."

"Then fine. Prove it."
Ben threw me a paper. I opened it and threw it right back at him.

"I hate you."

"Doesn't matter it only matters how you feel about him."

Gil p.o.v

"Why was she here and why were you kissing her."

"Dad calm down."
I took an annoyed sigh and sat down on the couch.

"Look I like her and we made it official yesterday. What's the big deal anyway I thought you wanted me to date."

"I wanted you to date adeelah, not some random girl that your using to try and rebound on."
"I'm not using her as a rebound. Look it over adeelah and I'm moving on just like you did with belle. You need to let me grow up."
"If you wanna grow up then you better start acting like it cause I guarantee next time you see her you will definitely not be over her."

"What do you know. When was the last time you were in love."

"When I met your mother."
"Wasn't she a rebound?"

"There is a difference between rebound and moving on."

"What the difference then hmm cause I think your lines are blurred."

"Rebound is someone you aren't gonna invest in. if I showed you adeelah right now then how would you feel."
"I would bow and then give her the middle finger."

"Then do it."

My dad threw me a paper which I opened with caution.
"You had something to do with this."
"Whether or not I did isn't important. Time to prove yourself."

"Go die in a hole."

I stormed out the door needing a break from everything

A Gil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now