peoples thoughts (revised)

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Ben just wants his sister happy whether it's with or without him

Harry wants to see his best friend happy again and now remembers why he hates the good guys so much

Mal-kinda just wants to slap the Queen

Uma wants to murder the Queen and trust me she is planning on it

Dizzy-is praying for things to turn out well and is stress designing with Evie

Carlos-kinda of okay with this since he has a small crush on adeelah

Evie is stress designing and has been complaining non drop to Doug about this

Jay feels bad for both his friends and has been exercising to busy his mind

Adeelah mom is betrayed because she thought everyone would understand why she was mad

Adeelah dad can understand why his wife is mad but at the same time he thinks she was overreacting

Gil's dad-he regrets what he did to Bell but not what it did to Him. Bell rejecting him made him a better person and maybe this will make his son a better person too.

Chad-smiling his smug face off since Gil got what he deserves

Lonnie- has actually threatened the Queen but she wouldn't budge

Doug feels bad for his friends but at the same time, he's busy trying to stop the girls from stress designing and using up all the money.

The background characters-just wanted to be included in the story

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