meet the father (revised)

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Gil p.o.v

Today was a parent and kids meeting and it was weird being surrounded by all the good people. I was used to it of course but it still felt weird being around them. I felt a push and someone's arm was around my waist. I looked behind me and I saw Adalah.

"Hey little princess, how are you."

"I'm good. How are you."

"I'm good now that you're here."

"You ready to go see the others."

"I guess. I don't know how I feel about them."

"You'll do fine."

she dragged me somewhere while I tried to keep my calm. I could see the people interacting with the others like it was nothing. Mal was talking to ben and his parents while ditzy was talking to chad and her extended family, even harry and Uma were talking to the others like they weren't causing trouble only a few months ago.

"Hey, you paying attention."

She waved in front of my face and I nodded as though I was.

"No your not."


We both heard everyone gasp quietly. We turned and there I saw my father surrounded by guards. I embarrassedly walked over to him wondering how he got past the border.

"What are you doing here dad."

"I came here to see you of course."

"How did you get past the border."

"I was invited to come and see you."

"By who?"

"By me."

I turned and it was adeelah who had her hands raised. Uma and Harry ran up to us and looked as though they were in on it too.

"Hey, Guston."

"Uma. harry. Pleasure seeing you again"

"Why are you here dad."

"I was told to come and hang out with my son and make sure to evaluate some girl."

"That would be me."

He turned and looked up and down at adeelah.

"I gotta judge you."

"Yes sir. I would like to date your son. May we talk somewhere else."

"Where ever you want."

She walked and tried her hardest to make it past her parents. I held her hand and she was crying so I was going to hug her but my dad beat me to it. His lightning speed made me almost have whiplash

"It's okay you only wanted to do what you thought was right."


They turned to me and I could see she was looking at me some type of reassurance.

"I think-"

Belle walked up to my dad and slapped him right across the face. Everyone gasped as belle has never lost her cool, not even when her kingdom was being attacked

"How dare you even come near my daughter."

My dad looked at her sternly in the eye but before he could retort belle took Adeelah's hand and walked away. My dad looked at me both hurt and disappointed.

"Let's go."

He dragged my hand taking it to a different wing. I looked back and I could see adeelah being scolded by her mother.

A Gil love storyWhere stories live. Discover now