The 100

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Chapter 5


I was going to have to keep a close eye on Octavia, she was a difficult one for sure. I didn't want her getting hurt, she didn't need that.

"Hey Clarke, what're you looking at?" I asked her, she seemed concerned with something.

"We were supposed to be dropped on Mount Weather, but according to my map, Mount Weather is over there." She pointed to the mountain on the other side of a forest, quite far away from here. "They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain." She said, a scowl spreading across her face.

"Huh, well, I guess we'll just have to get over there right?" I said, even though I knew it was no simple task.

"Yeah, but standing between us and Mount Weather is a radiation soaked forest and who knows what else." Clarke replied, honestly this girl really knew how to kill the moment.

"Well, we better send some people out before it gets dark." I said matter or factly.

"I'll go, Jasper, Monty and Finn can come as well." She said, looking around.

"Where are we going?" Octavia bounded up.

"You're not going anywhere." I grumbled.

"You can't stop me Bell, I need an adventure anyways." She said, crossing her arms.

"It's okay, we'll take care of her." Clarke reassured me.

"Fine, go get the others." I said reluctantly.


"Come on Finn, Jasper, Monty, we need to get going." I called them over, I had just told them to pack some necessities but they were taking forever! Hell, even Octavia was ready.

"Coming!" Finn popped his head out of the drop ship.

"What was taking you so long?" I asked, annoyance hinting in my voice.

"I was trying to figure out what to pack..." Finn replied, god, he sounded like a girl who couldn't figure out how to wear her hair.

"You're worse than me Spacewalker." Octavia smirked.

"Stop flirting, we better get going." I said seriously, we needed to move fast if we were going to have any chance of getting back before dark.

"For the record, he's mine." Octavia said, obviously talking about Finn.

"I'm not interested." I replied, continuing to walk.

"Whatever." She said, falling back behind me again.

"Hurry up, we need to move fast." I yelled behind me. Finn bounded up beside me, I just kept on walking.

"How are you not distracted by all this?" He asked, genuinely surprised.

"I tune it out, we won't survive long of we don't." I replied, it was true. We had to get over the beauty of Earth and figure out to how to survive down here.

"Hmm, you're pretty tough for a Princess." He scoffed.

"Don't call me Princess." I snapped, it wasn't the nickname really, just the constant chatter.

"Fine, Princess." He chuckled.

"Don't you find it weird that we haven't seen any animals yet?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Well, we haven't been down here long, so no." Finn replied. We walked through some bushes.

"Look." Jasper pointed to a clearing. There was a deer grazing right in front of us.

"No animals huh?" Finn glanced at me. He took a step forward, trying to get closer. A stick broke underneath his foot and the deer turned its head our way. It had two faces.

"Woah.." Monty gasped.

"Come on, we should keep moving." I said and the deer bounded off.


"Look, a river." Octavia ran to the edge of the river bank.

"There isn't supposed to be a river here." I consulted my map. Octavia was too busy taking off her clothes and easing on into the river to listen to me.

"Well there is, so take off your clothes." Finn smirked.

"I love Earth." Jasper said, staring at Octavia who was already shoulder deep in the water.

"Octavia, we can't swim!" Monty yelled, it was true, there was no water for swimming in on The Ark so we never learned.

"No, but we can stand." She stood up, the water only went up to her waist.

"Octavia get out of the water!" Jasper screamed. He was staring down the river a bit, I looked and sure enough there was something in the water. It was moving fast, straight towards Octavia. The ripples in the water suggested that it was big, you couldn't see much from where we were standing but it looked snake-like.

"Octavia!" I yelled just before she was swept off her feet and dragged through the water. She was gasping for air, struggling to get above water and when she did she was dragged back under again.

Then, by some miracle the snake let her go. Jasper jumped into the water and pulled her to land.

"Thank you." Octavia hugged Jasper. There was a big cut on her thigh, from where the snake grabbed her.

"Next time, let me save the girl." Monty chuckled.

"We'll need to get back to camp." Finn said.

"No, there aren't any medical supplies there, we need to go to Mount Weather." I replied, wrapping a piece of fabric from Finn's jacket around Octavia's leg.

"How is she going to walk?" Finn asked, gesturing to Octavia.

"I'm fine, really." Octavia got up with the help of Jasper.

"We'll help her." I finished checking her leg to see how much mobility she had in it.

"Okay, I guess it could work." He nodded.

"How are we going to get across the river? We can't go through it." Monty asked me.

"A swing, made of a vine." Finn was already grabbing a thicker looking vine and tugging on it.

"So, who wants to go first?" Monty asked.

"Me." Jasper grabbed the vine out of Finn's hand and tugged on it a couple times.

"It's okay to be scared, the trick is, don't fight it." Finn told Jasper. Jasper jumped onto the vine and swung across the river, hollering with excitement and probably a bit of fear. When he got above land on the other side he let go, landing on the rocks safely.

"So, who's next?" Finn asked. "How about you Princess?" He smiled at me.

"Fine." I grabbed the vine.

"Look!" Jasper held up an old metal sign, reading 'Mount Weather'. "We're here!" He yelled in victory.

Then a spear came out of nowhere, impaling him in the chest.

"Jasper!" Everyone screamed in unison.

"Quick, get back behind the trees!" Finn yelled.

"We're not alone." I said, looking around to find who threw that spear.

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