Tyler puts his arm around me and helps me up. He picks me up bridal style and puts me on the couch. Mason comes out of a room with 2 pillows and carefully picks up my foot and places it on the pillows.

"Shouldn't we go to the Hospital?" Brandon asks.

"Yeah I think we should." Justen says.

I look at them terrified.

"Alex we need to." Mason says looking at me. I shake my head quickly, not wanting to talk.

"Mason you know I can't do that." I say.

"I know Alex but we have to, I don't care if you hate me after, it's for your own safety." Mason says and picks me up bridal style.

I scream and start slapping him, I try to kick him but it hurt too much. I cried out in pain and Mason held me closer to him.

"Shh, it's okay, don't cry." Mason says comforting me.

Mason sets me down in the backseat and closes the door. Tyler gets in the passenger seat and Mason starts driving.

Jordyn, Skylar, Justen and Brandon get in the other car and follow behind us.

We arrive at the Hospital and Mason comes to the backseat and picks me up again. He carries me into the Hospital to the check-in desk.

"She broke her foot." Mason says to the  lady at the desk.

"Name?" She questions.

"Alex Smith." Mason responds. 

"Okay the nurse will be right out." She responds after typing a few things into her computer. 

"Okay thank you." Mason says and turns around towards everyone. 

Mason sits down in a chair and I sit on his lap so it's easier for him to carry and pick me up when the nurse comes out. Jordyn sits next to me and Skylar on the other side of her. Tyler sits on the other side of me and Brandon next to him and Justen.

The nurse walks out of the corridor and looks around the waiting room.

"Alex Smith." She calls out looking down at her clipboard and back to scanning the waiting room.

Mason stands up wrapping his arms around me and brings me over to the nurse.

"Alex Smith?" The nurse asks smiling. I nod and she motions for us to follow. 

Mason follows her and he glances down at me. I could see worry in his eyes. I place my hand on his arm. 

"It's going to be okay, it's only a broken foot." I say and he nods.

The nurse leads us to a room and Mason lays me down on the bed. Mason sits on one of the chairs and the nurse puts hand sanitizer on. She comes closer to me and I try to move as far away from her as possible.

"I'm guessing you don't like nurses or doctors." She says kindly looking at me, I nod and look at her terrified. 

"Okay it's alright, I will tell you what I'm doing the whole time, you're safe here." She says and I nod moving closer to her but very hesitantly. 

She holds my foot gently and I wince a little. 

"All I'm doing right now is seeing if it's swollen or if any bones are out of place or if I have to snap it back into place." She says and I nod calming down. 

"Okay, we are going to have to take some X-Rays, so if you would kindly follow me please." She says and waits for Mason to pick me up. 

Mason comes over and picks me up and then follows the nurse out of the room. 

We go into the X-Ray room and I am on a bed laying down. The nurse puts on cloth to cover my thighs and above. She zooms in on my foot and keeps telling me to bend it certain ways. I was in so much pain but I refused to cry. 

"Okay that was great. We can put a cast on it for now but until these X-Rays are official we can't say if it's broken, fractured or sprained quite yet." She says and I nod. 

She helps me take the cloth off and then Mason picks me up and brings me back to the room so I can get a cast on. She wraps my foot so I can't move it and then Mason picks me back up and then we go to the check-out. 

"Name?" The lady asks. 

"Alex Smith." Mason responds. 

"Broken, sprained, or fractured foot, got X-Rays done today, not sure which?" She asks making sure it was the right person. 

"Yes ma'am." Mason says. 

"No bills are due today, we will call you when the X-Rays are official, have a nice day." The lady says. 

"Thank you, you too." Mason says and he walks me to the waiting room where everyone is sat waiting. 

Tyler immediately stands up when he sees me and I smile. He smiles back and looks down at my foot then frowns. 

"It's fine, they are not sure if it's broken, sprained, or fractured yet so they wrapped it up and we just have to wait until the X-Rays are official to find out." I say and everyone looks relieved but I could tell something was still on all of their minds.

"Guys I'm fine, I promise, it doesn't even hurt anymore." I say. 

"Can we just go home?" I ask and they all nod. 



My Brother's Best Friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن