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So my last update was pretty depressing, that day was probably one of the worst I've had in the past couple months tbh. But I'm doing a little better now, and I would like to mention the beautiful people who were super kind and supportive and just amazing in general. They've shown that even just a few comments can go a lonnng way and help get someone through the day. It doesn't always seem like much, but trust me just knowing you guys are there makes me feel so much better. And I hope I can be the same for you.

thatonekellicshipper you're always there for me. Every minute of every day, I can't imagine not having you in my life. I love how passionate you are about your animals and how you still love them even when Meeko is hissing over his hatred at life or Willow is yelling about who knows what. (and eyyyyy just like me!) You're my rock, and I'm so so grateful that you're you.

oiimlis you always make me laugh, my lovely friend. Even when you send me like three Snapchats in a row of just disapproval of my vaping 😂😂 You're so freaking amazing and supportive and I'm so glad I have you.

september_never_ends honestly your probably God?? Like we don't talk all that much (I wish we talked more) but every time we do it's like this life changing advice that I always need at the exact moment and idk but that seems pretty fucking God like to me so yup we're gonna go with that. You're pretty amazing, you divine creature.

eyeswithstars youuu yes you. I suck. I really really suck. At texting back and asking people how they are but you're always there. Even after months and months you're just this amazing and beautiful person and I'm very glad you exist. Never stop being you.


And lastly, jellybean, if you're reading this I just want you to know- I'm always gonna be here for you. Never doubt that. I'm just a text away, any time you need it. I know we've both got our issues and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you. I'm sorry I'm a hypocrite. Im sorry I make everything about me. I'm sorry about what happened, but the truth is I just get hurt when my efforts aren't reciprocated. I wear myself down trying so hard with everyone. I know I need to work on myself a lotttt because I must be doing something wrong if I can't even get a text back. You'll always be my friend. I don't even know if you'll see this, but you know exactly where to find me, my dear friend.

Whale NoisesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora