asexuality (and why i have anger over it)

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Couple things to say on the topic of asexuality.

As an asexual myself, I'm tired of us not existing to the world. We're fucking mythical creatures apparently, no one can even recognize the fact the we exist. Asexuality is an actual thing, and people need to be aware of it.

It's not fair that people just assume everyone loves the topic of sex, because you're weird if you don't, right? No one realizes that there are people who fucking have panic attacks when they're forced to hear details about sex in a room full of people. Especially if it's for a class/ sex ed. Teachers should give the option to learn the necessary material in a way that we're at least a little more comfortable with.

And to steer in the opposite direction of that issue, people need to actually know what defines an asexual before they claim they are one.

You can't choose to be asexual just because you want to be different and saying you're gay is too far. Or because you're tired of horny high schoolers asking for sex and you want an excuse. I've heard things like "That's why I'm asexual now," and that makes me fucking mad.

We didn't choose to be like this; it's the same as any other sexual orientation. You think we want to feel like there's something wrong with us? To go completely against the norms of this society? Not at all.

The last thing people need to understand is that there are many different ways to be asexual.

You can have sex and enjoy it.

You can not like sex but still have it.

You can be absolutely repulsed by sex and can't stand to even hear about it.

The only thing that defines an asexual is not having sexual attraction to anyone. You can like how someone looks, sure, but you never have the desire to have sex with them.

That's it. That's all.

Asexuality isn't an excuse, or even a single fucking label.

I really wish more people would understand this.

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