*screaming* LIFEEE

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Alright y'all I apologize (again) for lack of activity on my part, a lot has been going on.

First off: AIDENNNNNN (you're the best don't you argue) ❤️

Also shoutout to Cas for just being awesome all around!!!

So, guess what? IM HAPPY. You heard it right: I'm doing well. After another suicide attempt and another oxy overdose and like a million other things that were almost the end of me, I finally did some soul searching.

I cut some real bad people out of my life who kept hurting me over and over and I pretended that it was okay, it wasn't anything major, I deserved it. But the truth was, it was also me doing damage to myself and other people, and nothing was going to change if I just kept going like that. So, I accepted thing that have happened that I can't change and things that I still can't change. Yeah, shit sucks. And I have a lot to work through. But I've focused on talking to people who make me happier, even if it's just one or two. Even on a bad day I'm able to look at the sun through the trees or see the rain on the pavement and think for a second "hey, everything is going to be okay," and that's an awesome thought.

Why am I telling all of you this? Well, you guys have gotten me through a lot. (you had to deal with my total drama queeness, and that's saying a lot). But now that I'm doing alright I just wanted to remind you all that I will always be here to help or even just listen. And that's a promise. 💚 love you all!

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