Chapter 41 - Abby

Depuis le début

"Thanks, Nick." I hug him and I have a better understanding of Liv and her relationship with her work.

Nick scoots himself back and puts the chair he was sitting in back where it originally was, "so are you not going to ask me about my love life?" Nick looks over and smirks.

"What love life? You're too hot for your own good," I laugh picking up my sides and going over them again.

"Ouch!!! That hurts me, I just solve your relationship problem and that's what I get?" he shakes his head.

"Fine, how is your love life, Nick?"

"Non-existent, you got any friends you want to introduce me to?" he laughs.

"Ugh!" I roll my eyes.

By the end of the day, I've cooled down significantly. So much so I've kind of forgotten why I was so upset but it was still pretty chilly in the land of Olivia. I make sure to still give Liv her space. We wrap at the end of the day and I make my way to my trailer to change out of wardrobe. I finish and try my best to stall because it's going to be an awkward drive home. I eventually make my way out and head to our parked car, I turn the corner and there is Liv, looking as cool and sexy as ever leaning against the car seemingly waiting for me. I stop and admire the sight, biting my lower lip. She's standing there with her legs crossed and her arms folded across her chest. I start walking towards her and the car and she walks back towards me. My girl extends her right arm out to me to grab a hold of, I place my hand in hers and she drapes it over my shoulder with our hand still interlocked.

"I can't lose you, munch," Liv says quietly, kissing me on the head.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby," I say after she lets me into the car.


"Why would you do that? Why would you try to drop out of the program without talking to me first?" I yell at Liv while she's sitting on our couch, pouting like a little kid being scolded.

"Because..." she says under her breath.

"BECAUSE WHAT, OLIVIA? Why? We're in this together. We're in this relationship together -- it's you and me, when are you gonna realize that?"

"Because! So many of my problems — our problems can be solved by this one decision!" Olivia shouts back.

"No! But at what cost, Olivia? Look, I get it now. I get why you work so hard and why you do so always feel like you need to prove something. You're always striving for more, wanting to learn. I never realized that you have to work ten times harder than anyone else because you're Filipino. Everything you do you need to calculate because you're Olivia Riviera so many hopes and dreams rest in your hands. You get consumed by your work, but it's my job to bring you back," I repeat what I learned from Nick.

"Abby..." she says but I put up my hand so I can finish.

"I'm not saying after today I'll be good and always understanding of your workload but this is new to me and I'm learning, so I'm going to get mad. I'm going to throw fits..."

"You threw pillows at me again," she said with a crooked brow.

"I'm going to throw things...but you're going to have to throw back. Fight me, it's what I need. I need someone to spar with, baby."

"Throw back huh?"

"Only if they're pillows, Olivia!" I laugh and sit on her lap.

"Call Dr. Porter and tell him you had a lapse of judgment and aren't going to give up your spot!"

Endlessly...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant