Chapter One

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"Mum! Do you want me to pick up Noah from school?" Autumn shouts up the stairs.

"That would be great, I'm really busy!" Mrs. Kent shouts back at Autumn down the stairs. As soon as she says that, Autumn grabs her coat and starts walking out the door. She looks around the area and goes to the garage to grab her bike. All she sees is grass and trees, no houses. The closest neighbors live 5 minutes away. She starts riding her bike, in the direction of Noah his school. Music is blaring though her earpieces. She lives only 10 minutes away from her little brother's school, so it doesn't take a lot of time to get there.

While she is singing along to the music, she isn't really looking at the road. A boy from around her age, is running down the street, also with music blaring through his ear pieces. While he crosses the road, without looking around, Autumn just keeps riding her bike. Autumn only just misses the boy, which does mean that her bike slips away and she is now lying on the street. The boy quickly turns around and sees Autumn lying on the street. He runs back to her and helps her standing back up.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" All that Autumn can do is look into his wonderful eyes. She slowly nods, not trusting her voice right now. He starts smiling and reaches out his hand to her. "I'm Charlie, by the way."

"I'm Autumn" she tells him. She shakes his hand and gets completely lost in his eyes.

"Nice to meet you" Charlie says. "But I really need to go now, got to pick up my little sister from school."

"Yeah, I need to pick up my little brother too." she smiles, which makes Charlie smile too.

"Do you want to walk there together?" He asks cheekily and Autumn nods. She picks up her bike and they start walking to the school.

"How come I've never seen you before?" He asks her after a few minutes. She shrugs and looks ahead.

"I don't come here a lot, I practically live in the middle of nowhere. I mostly go to the other side of town if I need something. Unless I pick up my brother, like today." she looks at Charlie and sees him staring at her. Her cheeks slowly heat up and she turns her head away from Charlie. "What about you?"

"I have been away from here a lot lately. I was in London and also in Wales with a friend of mine." he says and she nods. "But I'm back now" he laughs and they reach the school. They wait in front of the school and soon enough all the children come running outside. Autumn sees Noah looking around for their mum and she starts waving. A smile spreads around his face and he starts running in their direction. Noah wraps his arms around Autumn her waist and she hugs him back.

Autumn is a lot taller than Noah, seen as Noah is only 7, while Autumn is 15.

A girl runs up to charlie, who is probably his little sister. He picks her up and hugs her.

"Autumn, this my little sister Katie. Katie, this is Autumn." Katie is a little girl, around the same age as Noah, long, blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Well this is Noah" Autumn tells charlie. "noah, this is Charlie" Charlie gives Noah a high five and Noah starts laughing.

"Shall we just start walking home then?" Asks Charlie and they all agree on that. Noah grabs Autumn her hand and Katie does the same with Charlie, after he puts her down.

They found out that Noah and Katie are in the same class and are the best of friends. They are both walking in between Charlie and Autumn, talking with each other about all kinds of things. Everytime they say something funny, Charlie and Autumn look at each other and start laughing.

Soon enough they reach Charlie and Katie their house.

"Autumn, can I play with Katie today?" Noah asks her. She looks up at Charlie, who looks down at Katie, who is probably asking the thing.

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