Chapter Seven

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The first night in the vineyard house I really didn’t get anything unpacked, just my bed and the other big furniture pieces from my room. The house was already partially furnished, only missing a few decorations and, of course, the pots and pans for the kitchen.

I decided the next morning I was going to wake up early so I could get a majority of my stuff unpacked before Riley came over, I mean I didn’t want to be unpacking all my underwear or something with him around. It was probably around nine when he called me.

            “Heya sleepy head,” he said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

            “Hey, I’ve been up for a while!” I laughed as I hung up a dress in my closet, “When are you coming over? I want to try to finish with the kitchen before I have to cook dinner at like five,”

            “Well that’s the funny thing, I’m already here,”

            “How long have you been here?” I asked, running down the stairs and opening the door. Standing in front of me was Riley, smiling bashfully, holding his phone against his ear.

            “Probably about 15 minutes. I didn’t think you were up so I just sat out here for a bit. But then you dropped something and you screamed,” he smiled widely, hanging up the phone.

            “You’re such an ass,” I smacked him lightly on the arm, pocketing my phone, “do you have the pots and pans?”

            “Yep, they’re in the car,” he jabbed his thumb behind me, toward his car packed with boxes.

            “Holy hell, did you bring over everything in your house or something?”

            “Nah, just a bunch of stuff my mom thought you’d like,” he shrugged, handing me a box.

None of them were really heavy, except the ones with the cast-iron and the glass wear. It was honestly a big help because since we hardly used this place we never kept anything in the kitchen, which meant I not only had no pots and pans but I didn’t have plates or cups or even forks. It took a good 20 minutes for us to bring in all the boxes, it really did seem like he packed up his entire house. Opening a few of the boxes, I saw that not only did he bring over a bunch of cook wear, but he also brought over some dry goods, books, movies, candles, and best of all, art supplies.

            “All this is for me?” I asked in awe, on the verge of tears.

            “Well I did say that mom thought you’d like all that stuff,” he blushed, placing the silverware in a drawer, “but I did mention that you liked art and stuff,”

            “Thank you Riley,” I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him from behind, “this really means a lot,”

He turned around and smiled at me, then wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head.

            “No problem Alie, I’m always here if you need anything,”

We just stood there for a minute holding each other, then he kissed the top of my head and pulled away, smiling at me.

            “How about we get this place unpacked and then go get some coffee?” he smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

            “Ok,” I smiled back, turning back to the boxes I was working with.

It took a bit to get everything finished, the longest being the kitchen since we had to separate everything and then find a home for it, and the second longest being where to put all the books because the library there wasn’t completely finished so I couldn’t really put them in there. It was pretty fun actually; we were blaring Pandora the entire time and goofed off. After everything was in their proper place, we decided to go out for lunch (it was about two in the afternoon actually but I didn’t really have anything to eat of lunch). Since we were going to get coffee afterwards anyway, we decided we were just going to go to the coffee shop for lunch.

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