Chapter Five

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Before long it was the final day of the long weekend. The weekend had by far been the best one I had ever had since moving to Banner Elk. A few hours before we were supposed to leave, Riley and I decided to talk a walk on the trail that went around the lake, through the forest. It wasn’t like a couple-y like walk with hand holding, but I could tell that he wanted to.

            “So,” he began, letting out a sigh and putting his hands in his pockets, “what do you  think is going to happen at school tomorrow?”

            “What do you mean?” I asked, moving a low tree branch out of my way.

            “Well, you haven’t heard from D at all this weekend right?” he asked; I nodded, “well who knows what he’s thinking now or even knows that we sort of hooked up. Does he know about those?” he tilted his head towards my wrists.

Hiding them behind my back I shook my head.

            “No. You’re the only one who knows,” I whispered.

            “Just remember, you can come to me for anything,” he smiled, placing a hand on the small of my back.

I smiled back pulled out my phone to check the time. My face froze in fear as I looked at the screen.

I had 47 unread text messages and 14 voicemails from Dimitri. Scanning through the messages they all sounded angry, asking where the hell I was and why my phone wasn’t on. Never had he sent messages like this, where he actually said he was going to beat the shit out of me. Quickly deleting the worst of them, I showed my phone to Riley.

His brow scrunched in concern, reading each.

            “Does he not realize that you know about Sam?” he asked, handing the phone back to me.

            “I thought I made it clear to him, but apparently not,” I thought I was going to cry. The entire weekend was amazing, now I was probably going to die.

            “He’s not,” he paused, “abusive or anything, right? I don’t have to worry about that?”

            “No!” I lied, just as I had done with Maria, “He’d never lay a hand on me! He does have to occasional temper, but nothing too extreme,”

            “Ok,” he eyed me suspiciously, then returned to walking.

I hated lying to Riley. He said I could go to him for anything, but this was something he just couldn’t do. Dimitri would probably kill him, literally. He hated Riley with a passion and that was one of the reasons why I didn’t have out with him; because I would be punished if I did. It was best for all of us if I just handled Dimitri myself.

            “So, what are you going to tell him when we get back?” he continued, a small smile playing at his lips.

            “I don’t know,” I returned the smile and blushed lightly, “what should I tell him?”

            “Dunno,” he shrugged, “maybe that you’ve found another prospect?”

I giggled lightly and began to swing my arms on either side of me. As we neared the cabin Riley reached over and grabbed my hand gently, smiling at me slightly. Maria of course saw this and gave me another one of her ‘I totally saw this coming’ looks as she placed her final suitcase in the bed of her truck.

            “Do you want to spend the night at my place Alyson so you don’t have to rush in the morning at home?” she asked, still smiling.

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