Ch 8 - On The Fly

Start from the beginning

"Sona I'm just happy we are here having lunch together before a hike. We both worked ourselves to the bone. Some easy going rocks on a hike sounds like no stress to me."

"That it does. Thank you. It's hard to get me out you know."

"Challenge accepted. And can't wait to have you sight see." Oh Sona. Maybe after this open house we can tell everyone about us and you can have some peace. Not just for you to get a break but enjoy life more.

Only if you knew I read those interesting and sweet comments. Naive boy. Tsubaki was right. My type.


It was a sunny day near the rocky forest hills. After eating at the cafe Sona was glad she would be out of plain sight of any Sitri or Gremory House members. No explaining and no way of getting caught. That aside with Sona watching her step and going up right along next to you a calm could be felt. She was better off trying to hike than worrying about school and Devil work. No one could ever stop those gears in her head. However this change of pace was going to help her.

"Love you good?" You look over.


"Alright. If what they say is true only a few more meters until a killer view."

"Well..." Did he just call me Love? "It would be nice to sit down and see something nice."

"Sounds really good now." You take her hand. "Together."

"To...gether... sure." Sona blushed as she didn't expect this. Why do I feel warm about this? The intriguing evaluation would be falsifying about a boyfriend, he agrees to keep it secret, and then of course doesn't know the actually meaning of love, lust, or affection.

Hand in hand avoiding the sliding rocks and mud you make it to a bench. Trees are grown in a way to having amazing view over the town. Almost like nature made a window for a view. Both of you take a seat. Still holding hands. You notice but couldn't care less.


"Is pleasant. Though why does holding hands feel so pleasant?"

"Affection I think. I like it."

"Me too. Tell me (FN), how many partners have you had experience with?"

You laugh. "You know those people that say they are boyfriend and girlfriend and don't do anything besides talk? And those girls you try to talk to and make them your girlfriend? I'll be honest I have crap 'experience' or what you put on a dating resume. Yeah... no good."

Sona fixed her glasses. "Don't be harsh now. I lack it entirely. Never had any sort of relations."

"Well you sure did fine. You work on yourself. And what has that done? Made you one of the smartest people I have ever met." You look at the view. "I myself have never been on a date. Wanted one for years but never had the luck."

"What does luck have to do with relationships?" Sona glarred.

"Sona have you had a type in mind? Anything? A guide maybe?"

She closed her eyes. "Traits?"

"Exactly. Inside. Outside. Anything?"

"I can say... priorities, cared about education and intelligence, and appearance I am not sure I understand I have a preference."

You laugh. "Saji and Kiba. Look at those two for example. Then look at Issei and his knuckleheads Matsuda and Motohama. I kind of told you why I'm into you."

"Ahhh..." She blushed. Starting to get hot. Even though she wasn't hiking. "Are you being lewd?"

"No. I just said power is sexy. I like the strong and independent type. You have a great figure as well."

"Aren't you after those giant mass tissue types?" Did I really just say that?

You smirk. "Now who's indecent? And like I said I like a nice figure. If I needed breasts I'd get fried chicken."

"Positive you don't need to spank something wide?"

"Uhhh Sona? I know we keep things at a minimum but you do have a nice butt. Don't hurt me saying that."

"Hey!" She got up and covered her bottom. "Now that is lewd."

"You just asked me if I wanted a girlfriend with a huge bottom. I said no."

"You said yes."

"I said nice. Difference."

"I have you know for myself I do my best to stay in top shape as a Devil and woman."

"And I have you know that it's paying off very well Sona." You stand up and take her by both hands. "I know what work you put in. Even though Tsubaki has authority you take point. You keep Saji and I as well as the rest of the girls in line too. I am aware this is a hard time of year. But once it's over we can be happy about a life's slower pace. Together. I'm here. And no going anywhere."

"You are so sweet." She gazed into your eyes.

"And those eyes are beautiful. Don't ever think difference." You inched closer. Slowly leaning towards her as she went stiff and motionless. You give her a peck on the lips. Your first kiss. Hers too."

Wow. Love does exist. I don't know what this means completely but it seems I now my feelings locked for him.


That was a serious bold move. She could have easily avoided that. But she didn't. Instead she froze and let it be. Does she regret it? Does she continue going on with keeping it a secret? But only matter of time before her Queen finds out.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


Sona's Intern (Sona X Male)Where stories live. Discover now