Chapter 7

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Lance's P.O.V

Today we are going to be looking into more of my memories. I barely got any sleep last night, I was really tired, but my memories of my family were flooding into my head, so I couldn't sleep for a while. But I head down to the dining room for breakfast anyway. And as usual, I barely eat anything, just enough so the others don't question me about it. 

"Hey guys." I say, "I figured I should tell you that things could get even more... disturbing than what you saw yesterday."

"How?" Shiro asks

"I guess you will just have to see" I respond because I really don't know what it will show them. We finish eating breakfast, and it's quieter than usual, and anyone could guess why. Afterwards we go to the 'memory room'. I lay down and Coran hooks me up to the device.

"Stay calm, and remember that we love you no matter what we see on the screen." Coran whispers to me. And my final thought before I drift off to sleep is how good Coran is at lying.

Keith's P.O.V

The first memory for today wasn't bad, or sad or anything. It was when Lance had first met Hunk. It was the first day of school in kindergarten, and Lance and Hunk were sitting next to each other. Lance was actually surprisingly shy, and Hunk was super friendly, like usual. 

"Hi my name is Hunk!" Hunk says enthusiastically to Lance, "Whats your name?"

"Lance" Lance says quietly.

"That's a cool name!" Hunk shouts, "Do you wanna be my friend?" 

"Sure" Lance replies.

"Yay!" Hunk says. Then the memory fades. The next memory it's Lance, his mother, and his sister making dinner.

"Lance? Can you get me the salt please mijo?" His mother asks

"Yes mama" Lance replies

"Sophia can you get the table ready please?" Lances mother asks Lance's older sister.

"Of course mama!" Sophia replies happily. But their happiness is soon ended when someone slams the door open and yells.

"Dinner better be ready when I get in there!" Someone voice I recognize an Lance's father yells, "If it isn't, there is going to be consequences!" Of course, dinner wasn't ready, so Lance's mom looked at Sophia and Lance that said run or go. And that was what Sophia and Lance did. They also rounded up their younger siblings, which I now know as Rose, Morgan, Jacob, Noah, and James, it also looked like Lances mother was pregnant with another child, maybe seven months. In this memory Lance looked about seven years old, but still a while before his mother and sister died. Sophia looked about ten, and obviously protective over her younger siblings, but soon Lance would take her place. Rose looked about six, Morgan looked about five, Jacob and Noah were twins, and they looked about three, and James was about one. We could hear the yelling, and screaming, and hitting all from downstairs. Lance and his siblings looked worried, but also mortified. Lance looked like he was on the verge of tears, and so did Sophia. Sophia was hugging Lance and their siblings as close to her as she could. James was in Lances arm, and Sophia was hugging Noah and Jacob with one arm, Lance with the other, and Rose and Morgan were clinging to Lance as he wrapped his body around them the best he could. They were all huddled in the corner of Lance's and Sophia's room. It had glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, the walls were painted blue with stars on them too, there was a bunk bed shoved into the corner, and two small dressers that took up half the room. Lance had a decent sized house, but how his father was with them, they still had tiny rooms. Then we could hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, and the doors of the other rooms opening and closing. Lance and Sophia hid their siblings, and went to their beds. Then their father came in. 

"You worthless little piece of shit!" He shouted at Lance. Then he picked him up by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall. Then he proceeded to punch Lance in the stomach, until he was coughing up blood. I was surprised that he was still even conscious at this point. Suddenly Lance collapsed on to the floor.

"You can't even stand up you're so weak!" Lance's father shouted, "Maybe I wouldn't have to hit you if you were just stronger!" Then he proceeded to kick Lance, in the arms, legs, stomach, but not the face. Lance's father may not have been a good person, but he was still kind of smart no less. Then the memory faded, it probably would have continued, but Lance was unconscious at this point, so he couldn't have remembered. We got to a memory similar to the one we never got to finish before, but once again, we didn't finish it, because the castle alarms started blaring. The galra were attacking. 

A/N: That was 835 words! I am currently writing this at like 12am, so I am sorry if it sucked more than usual. That it folks bai!

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