Jimin Sized Story||Platonically

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Breakfast was extremely awkward this morning. You avoided any sort of contact with the man sitting across from you, cringing as you recovered more memories from the night out you had before.

To make matters worse, the massive hangover you had was making it difficult to find the fluffy pancakes appetizing.

It was a shame, considering that on any other given day, you'd be begging your roommate to make them for you. Now, you could barely keep them in your stomach.

Jungkook, however, seems indifferent to your discomfort, as he begins gossiping about the week's events.

"Did you hear about Jin?" He asks, and continues to explain, in fill detail, just  what Jin did, as you stare on in shock. 

"He was nearly choking on it, his mouth was so full. And then, while he was making all these sounds, Namjoon walks in, and he's just sitting there, mouth full of ramen, and-  Hey, Y/N, why are you staring a me like that? And close your mouth, you're gonna catch flies."

You close your mouth and avert your stare. 

"So anyways, Namjoon walks in, and Jin just tries to swallow but there's too much ramen, and then Joonie asks us if we heard anything, and Jin just shakes his head, and I'm just sitting there trying really hard not to laugh, and-  Y/N, are you feeling alright?" 

"Yeah, of course," You mumble. "Why do you ask?" 

"Don't lie to me, Y/N," Jungkook says. "What's wrong?"

You sigh, giving in to the boy's concern. 

"Well, it's just that..." You take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. You really don't want to have to ask this question.

"Are we just going to ignore that we showered together?"

Jungkook,s face scrunches up in discomfort, and he  almost regrets looking after your well-being. 

"Platonically," Jungkook corrects. "We showered together platonically. And, yes, I had hoped we would avoid bringing that up."

"How come?" you ask, feeling your mood darken just a little bit more.

"Y/N. You were covered in vomit. Not to mention, you threw up twice while we were in the shower!" Jungkook says. "It wasn't a sexy time. And I was too busy taking care of you and worrying about your health to be focusing on much else."

When you give him a resentful look, Jungkook says, "Look. I told you not to go out drinking with Ariana. That girl knows how to hold her liquor. You don't. I'm not the one who didn't listen, and ended up calling me for help at four in the morning."

"But you saw me naked!" 

"We live together. Don't act like we haven't accidentally walked in on each other before."

"Fair point," you say. 

"Now, since I'm such a great friend for taking care of you last night, I think it's fair enough to say that you get to do the dishes." Jungkook evilly grins as he walks away.

"Hey, Jungkook," you call after him, a terrible joke forming in your head. The man stops and turns around. "Maybe we should shower together more often...you know, it saves water..."

Jungkook snort laughs, but tries to act disgusted. 

"God, you're such a ho for me," he says, leaving the room.

"Isn't everybody?" You call back.




527 words. A Jimin sized story.

I'm gonna use this book to play around with writing different kinds of scenes and with different points of view. So there's my first second person pov story. This one inspired me for a new story, maybe I'll actually make it someday. I gotta finish Lino or Coffee Boy first.

If you liked this, feel free to favorite it, and hopefully come back next time.

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