Chapter 4

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Dedicated to Lilycat1327

Love you all! *blows kiss*


Disclaimer: I don't own IT.


"I knew it," Rosalie said, shaking her head. "You forgot." At those words, I panicked. What did I forget? She scoffed at me, frowning. "You don't even know what I'm talking about, do you?" I shook my head. "Fine. We're over." Rosalie stood up, leaving me bewildered. "Happy anniversary." She watched as I groaned, remembering.


"Save it. We're done. Goodbye, Richie Tozier." Rosalie stormed out, leaving me behind. Looking on the bright side, now I could hook up with Eddie without cheating. I should've broken up with Rosalie a long time ago, but I didn't want to hurt her. Even the Trashmouth has a heart. But at least I have Eddie.


He's so perfect, with his chocolate brown eyes, his fanny pack, and those damn freckles sprinkled over his sun kissed skin. But Eddie's straight, at least I think so. And even if he wasn't, why would he date me? He's so sweet and kind and innocent- everything I'm not.


I sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I had the most wonderful time with Richie, even if it was just as friends. The phone ringed, making me jump in surprise. I groaned, getting up to answer it.


"Hi, Eds." It was Richie! I smiled a little, happy that he had called again.

"So, uh... how are you?" I mentally smacked myself for that one. I heard him chuckle to himself on the line.

"I'm ok, what about you?"

"I'm fine."

"That's good. Hey, I was wondering if maybe we could meet up again? I need to talk to you."

"Sure, Rich. When?" I questioned.

"Well, how about now? I can come pick you up and we can walk together for awhile," Richie suggested.

"Ok, see you soon."


"Bye!" I hung up the phone, doing a small dance.


"Eds... I need to talk." I looked at him, nodding. "So... remember Rosalie?"

"Your girlfriend?" I guessed.

"Well... ex girlfriend, now. She broke up with me yesterday." My heart leaped, and I tried to keep myself calm.

"What did she say?" I wondered. My heart was doing somersaults in my chest.

"I forgot our anniversary," Richie whispered. I made a face, mouth twisted into a frown. He looked at me, and a smile lit up his face. "Eddie Spaghetti, you make the best faces!" He exclaimed. I laugh, and he joins in. Suddenly, I hear a voice from behind us.

"Looks like we got some lover boys! Grab them!" It was Henry Bowers. I felt a pair of hands roughly pull me away from Richie, as the same happens to him. "Well, well, well, what should I do to you two?" Richie spoke up:

"Don't hurt Eddie!" He struggled against the arms restraining him. Henry eyed me, mouth turning up in an evil smirk. Uh oh.

"Belch, Patrick, follow me. And bring them." Henry led the way off the road, into the woods. The one holding me brought me to Henry, and Richie was dragged to the side.


My wrists were tied above my head with some rope, as were my ankles. I was laid on the ground, and Henry stood above me. I shivered nervously, unsure of what he was planning. He knelt down, and pried my legs apart, sitting in between them so I couldn't close them. I watched in fear as he reached for my shorts, tugging them down. He rubbed my crotch, making me squirm and whimper.

"You like that, wheezy?" Henry taunted. He reached into my boxers, squeezing my dick tightly. I groaned in pain, and Henry ran his hands all over me. I heard a short yell from where Richie was, and Henry was knocked down. I could hear Richie and Henry fighting, and then it went silent. I started to cry, assuming Richie had lost. The winner came over to me, and I whimpered quietly, bracing myself. When I felt the rope around my wrists being untied, I realized that Richie must've won.


"Rich?" My voice sounded so weak. I hated it.

"I'm right here, Eds." The pressure around my wrists was released, letting my hands go. Richie went to work on the rope around my ankles, untying it. He helped me sit up slowly. The rope had cut into my skin, leaving shallow cuts and rope burns. "C'mon, I'm taking you to my house."

I had to lean on Richie as we walked to his house. I felt so sore, and the exhaustion was kicking in. I yawned, feeling the sleepiness wash over me like waves at a beach. Richie came back with some bandages and some antiseptic, putting it on my wrists and ankles and wrapping them up. He carried me to his bed, and I fell asleep quickly.


When I woke up, I saw Richie in the bed beside me. My face flushed red in embarrassment, remembering what had happened yesterday. Luckily Richie was still sleeping, so no one saw me. I carefully stood up, being aware of my bandaged ankles and wrists. I slowly walked to Richie's bathroom, using it and washing my hands well before getting back in the bed.

"I thought you had left!" Richie exclaimed, making me jump in surprise.

"Jeez Rich, maybe not scare me next time!" I laughed. Richie's expression changed to a serious one.

"So how you feelin'?" He asked.

"A little better, it's not as sore but it's just... I was... he... I was so scared, Rich." He nodded, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"It's ok. You're safe now," He murmured. I buried my head in his chest, finding comfort with him. I smiled softly into his shirt, inhaling his scent. He smelled like cigarettes and alcohol, but he also smelled like pine trees. I love pine tree scent. "Hey Spaghetti, how about we get some breakfast, alright?"


It took SO LONG sorry! I was preoccupied with my Reddie one-shots... (Hey you yeah you like you should read them) but at least it didn't take a month! Lol


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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