Chapter 1

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Happy Valentine's Day! Woooo!

I would like to dedicate this to a very special friend of mine on Wattpad, Lilycat1327. She writes Reddie/Fack so please go check out her one-shots book.

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.


People say love is a dangerous thing. I never understood why, I thought love was beautiful and pure. But I think I get it now. Now I know what it's like to be in love, and have them not love you the same way. And it hurts. A lot.

When I was younger, I used to dream about my future family. About who I would marry, where we would live, what we would do. Back then, I would dream of a wife, and a life away from Derry. But everything's different now. Now I don't dream of women, but of men.

Being gay isn't a bad thing, at least I don't think so. Many would disagree. My mother, Sonia Kaspbrak, would. I know that for sure. I tried coming out to her once, a couple of years ago. As I'm sure you can tell, it didn't go well. Since then I haven't told anyone.

That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that I have a crush on the biggest douchebag in the school, Richie Tozier. Richie is tall, with inky black hair and big coke bottle glasses. His glasses magnify his gorgeous deep brown eyes that I could stare into for hours.


My sister would call it 'a friendship that runs deeper than any other'. My father would call it 'sex'. My mother would call it 'family'. I would call it confusing. Love, to me, was irrelevant, at least up until the 7th grade when I got my first real girlfriend. She had dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a contagious smile. Her name was Rosalie. Rosalie and I have been dating since then, about 2 years.

Then there's the small kid who always sits in the front. There's something about him, something different, that I can't place. Not that I care about some nerdy loser anyway.

I have a horrible secret. I haven't even told my girlfriend, because I'm scared she'll dump me for it. We're already on thin ice, and I don't wanna risk it.

My secret? I'm not straight. But I'm not gay either. I'm bisexual, in other terms, half gay, half straight. I like both boys and girls. I've never told anyone, but I would use the phrase 'straight as a semicircle™' to explain it. Get it? Part of a semicircle is straight, and the rest- never mind. I'm outta here.


Richie. I saw him looking at me today, during art. He's probably making fun of me, like everyone else in this shitty town. It's not my fault I have a knack for art. I miss elementary school, where people praised you for a job well done. Now everything's different. High school sucks.

Another thing about high school is that everyone's dating someone. I've never had a real boyfriend. I had a 'girlfriend' back in 3rd grade (we 'dated' for a couple hours) but it didn't count. We didn't even hold hands, or touch in any way for that matter. We didn't want to get cooties. Those were the good old days. Back when the worst thing possible was missing recess. When school was easy.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that life was so much simpler back then. I wish it was still like that. Middle school was hard, and high school sucks the life right out of you. And people are so judgy, gossipy, and all around rude. Sometimes I just want to throw myself off a bridge.


Eddie. That's his name. I knew it seemed familiar.


He doesn't even know who I am. My science teacher paired us together for an experiment, and the look on his face... it was almost like I didn't exist in his world.

"Sarah with Ashley, Fred with Sam, Richie with Eddie..." I sat straight up when I heard her pair me with Richie. I was so unfocused, I didn't even hear what we were supposed to be doing. Richie looked around, frowning slightly. When his eyes reached me, I gave him a small wave, and he frowned more. I put my head down, mentally face palming.

"... and make sure you follow all lab rules. And please, work together. Due at the end of class."

I sighed, shaking my head as I built the model bumper. Richie wasn't even sitting with me. I rolled up tubes of paper, making a neat, efficient bumper. When I tested it (alone, Richie was completely ignoring me), it worked great. I wrote down my results, and finished up my conclusion. I glared at Richie, who had come back over to me so he could copy down what I had written.


Eddie finished the lab by himself. I know that, as a popular jock, I shouldn't care. But it felt different. Maybe it was the angry glare from him when I copied down the answers. Or maybe it was how his nose scrunched up when he got upset. Either way, I had fallen for Eddie, and I couldn't get up.


Maybe I was imagining it, but Richie looked almost guilty as he copied from my worksheet. No, it had to be my imagination. Richie didn't care about anyone other than himself, and especially not me. I sighed, nibbling on my pencil.

"You shouldn't do that, you know." I sat up, startled. Richie was talking... to me? "Eating pencils isn't very good for you."

"I know that," I mumbled. "Nervous habit."

"I bite my nails," he admits. "I hate it, but I can't stop."

"Well, that's not much better than pencil wood!" I exclaim. He chuckles, taking the pencil from me. "Hey!"

"Stop chewing," he demands.

"I told you, I can't! It's a nervous habit." Richie and I sit in silence for a few moments, and a smirk slides it's way onto his face.

"And just what are you so nervous about?" He leans in closer to me, until I can feel his hot breath on my face. I close my eyes, trying to slow my breathing. I push him away, opening my fanny pack and taking a puff from my inhaler. The bell rings, and the rest of the students leave.

"Hmmm?" He hums, trying to make me answer. I try to take my pencil back, but he moves his arm out of my reach. I stretch as far as I can, making my seat tilt. I fall forward, landing straight into Richie's lap.

"I believe you've fallen for the one and only Richie Tozier, love."

Wowow I suck

Comment if you like it plz! I read every last one :)

Stay tuned for the next chapter!


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