Chapter 2

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I have another chap for you! Enjoy, have a happy Valentine's Day! :)

I would like to dedicate this to a very special friend of mine on Wattpad, Lilycat1327. She writes Reddie/Fack so please go check out her one-shots book.

Well I asked a friend for help and she suggested angst, so here ya go!

Filler chap :(

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.


I could feel the heat behind my cheeks. I looked up slowly, only to see him staring right back at me.

"That was smooth as hell."

"Thanks." Richie smiled and helped me up. We sat like that for a few moments, watching each other. "Well, um, I should be going..." He trailed off, mumbling something about math.

"No, wait." I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to me. "Stay."

"Well, if you insist! Math doesn't matter anyway," Richie remarked. I rolled my eyes, giggling a little to myself.

"We should probably get out of here though," I say, referring to the science room.

"Follow me." He grabbed my hand and led me to the locker rooms. We hid in a stall, and the floor was still wet from somebody's shower.

"Richie what-"

"Shhh!" He whispered. I held my breath as the football coach walked by. I exhaled quickly once he had passed. Richie led the way to the pool, and we sat by the side together, feet dangling in the water. Richie wrapped his arm around me, and pushed me into the pool. I ended up underwater, Richie's faint laughter in the background. I sunk deeper, running out of air.

"Eds?" He calls. "Eddie?!" And everything goes black.


"Eddie?!" Panic finally overcoming me, I jump in with a loud splash, pulling Eddie up to the surface. "Can you hear me?" No response. I bring him up to the deck, pulling off his shirt and pushing on his chest, attempting at CPR. His heart is beating, I feel the faint thump though his chest. But his breathing is almost nonexistent. I keep pushing at his chest, trying to pump air into his lungs. Eddie coughs, spewing water everywhere, and rolls over.

"Eddie!" I exclaim, my voice filled with worry. "Are you ok!?" He nodded, sitting up.

"Inhaler," he croaked. I run over to where he had put his fanny pack, over with his binder and books. I take his inhaler, place it in his mouth, and pump it a few times. His breathing evens out, and I sigh in relief.

"I didn't know you couldn't swim."

"It's ok." He pauses. "Can you teach me?"


"Sure can!" He grabbed my hand, helping me up. Richie pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it to the side, and took off his glasses. He backed up, ran, and jumped right into the pool! I watched in shock as he went underwater, popping back up to look at me.

"Well, are you coming or not?" Richie smirked. My jaw dropped. He was gorgeous, water dripping down his face, hair plastered to his forehead, it was all so perfect.

"Hello? Earth to Eddie?" Richie called. This snapped me back to attention.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"Aww, bubba, were you admiring me?" Richie mocked. My face flushed.

"N-no," I decline.

"Well, I understand why, who wouldn't want to stare at this!" He exclaimed, gesturing to his body. I sigh, knowing that I couldn't get out of this. I self consciously wrapped my arms around my chest, frowning.

"Well, get in!" I trod over to the ladder, climbing down. I feel the cold water hit my skin for the 2nd time, making me shiver with discomfort.


I swim over to Eddie. He's hanging onto the ladder in the deep end, with his eyes squeezed shut.

"How's the water?" I laugh. His eyes open, and I see his beautiful brown orbs staring back at me. "C'mon, I'll help you to the shallow end." I held my hands out best I could, and Eddie jumped off the ladder. I grabbed him with one hand, using the other to grab the wall. I pull Eddie up to the wall, allowing him to make his way to the shallow end by himself. I swam alongside him, giving Eddie his freedom.

"Why is it so cold?!" Eddie exclaimed, shivering.

"Tell you what, how 'bout I help you with that?" I swim closer to the wall, and embrace Eddie in a big hug. His skin feels soft, but slightly chilly. "Better?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't change the pool temperature!"

"Wait here," I instruct. Eddie opens his mouth to object, but I'm already climbing out of the pool. "Don't let go of that wall." I sneak back into the locker room, and grab the key to the pool office. I run back to Eddie, checking on him.

"Eds?" I call.

"Don't call me that," he mumbles. I peek over the side, and see Eddie still hanging on to the wall, pouting.

"Almost done." I unlock the pool office, and search for the thermostat. I turn the temperature up to 80° F and jump back in. It's already heating up, and Eddie had found a heating vent. He was curled around it, with his eyes closed contentedly.

"So do you want to learn how to swim or not?" I question. Eddie opens his eyes, and blinks a few times.

"I guess so."

"Well then, let's get started! First of all, treading water. Like this," I demonstrate how to tread, and then help him with it. "That's it, perfect." I let go, letting him do it on his own. "You can stop now." Eddie stopped paddling, putting his tippy toes on the pool floor. It was shallow, only 5 feet, but his head was barely above the water.

"I thought you said this was the shallow end! Why is it so deep?"

"It is the shallow end, shorty. Now I want you to try ducking underwater. Hold your breath!" I duck under, and pop back up. "Now you try." Eddie followed what I did, gasping a little when he surfaced. He rubbed his eyes.

"It burns!" Eddie shouted, wiping the water away.

"That would be the chlorine," I snicker. "But good job."

I helped Eddie learn how to swim for the next hour, and by the end of the day, he was able to swim in the deep end without help. I was so proud of him, and proud of myself, too. And now, since he could swim, we could go to my secret hang out together.

So, as we can tell by this filler chapter, I suck. Sorry! But there's a lil bit of angst there to spice things up. Well the next chapter will be more interesting, so stay tuned!


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