Chapter 9 - TaeTae's Plan

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Jungkook stayed by the door pouting over the fact that Taehyung had abandoned him for you, you scooted closer to Taehyung who would have thrown a fit if you allowed Jungkook to take his spot next to you and patted the now empty spot with your hand.

"Kookie, would you like to come to bed too?" You asked, your voice clouded with sleep as you simply just wanted to go back to regain said sleep. Jungkook nodded and climbed onto the empty spot, his arms instantly joining Taehyung's whose arms were already wrapped around your waist. Just to put a cherry on top of the cuddle fest the three of you had, Jimin realized he had been pushed against the cold wall and without opening his eyes he turned around and threw his arms over all three of you, verly reaching Junkook with his fingertips. Even in his sleep, his title as the oldest member of the maknae line had him making sure he was protecting all three of you.

None of you moved throughout the rest of the night, staying in the same position you all had fallen asleep in because if one moved Jungkook would have fallen off the bed that was clearly not meant for four people.

"What goes on in these dorms when the real adults aren't around?" The voice was familiar but you were too tired from being woke up by Taehyung and Jungkook to bother trying to figure out who else was in the room. None of the boys wanted to wake up either, so you all stayed happily asleep.

"When we went to bed they were each in their own beds." Another voice responded.

"Well, maybe not all of them." A very very familiar voice said, humor leaking out of the male's voice as he tried to contain his laughter. "Jungkookie never sleeps in his own bed."

"Wake up!" That stern voice you knew better than anyone because it was usually always directed at you. Jin. You opened your eyes for a second before closing them again.

"Hyung, let us sleep." Taehyung mumbled as he nuzzled his face further into your hair making sure that you were still there, Jungkook slapped Taehyung's arm in his sleep trying to get the boy to stop moving and Jimin, well Jimin rolled over taking the entire blanket with him leaving the rest of you exposed to the harsh cold of the early morning.

The next few seconds caught all four of you off guard, one second you were all falling back to sleep and the next you had a fifth body on the bed. Hoseok jumped onto the bed causing all four of you to jump at the impact and Jungkook to finally fall off the bed. He landed on the floor with a thud causing Jin to rush over to him to make sure he wasn't extremely injured.

"Hobi-Oppa!" You whined when the older boy started moving around trying to get the remanding people on the bed to wake up. You loved Hoseok, but Hoseok was the worst in the mornings.

"I didn't get invited to the sleepover." Hoseok complained as he continued to move, you had completely woke up now and were trying to understand why there were three people by the door, Hoseok on top of you and Jin on the floor with Jungkook. "That's rude. I thought you all loved me."

"Hoseok-Hyung, get off!" Jimin groaned as he tried to push the boy off of him. "We're awake, get off."

"Speak for yourself, I'm not waking up. Call my lawyer." Taehyung said before locking his arms around one of yours and burying his face in the pillow. He was still working on his plan even thought it was morning and you were still there in his arms ready to hit Hoseok with your pillow because he was making too much noise. It made Taehyung smile against the pillow to know that his family was still there, all inside one bedroom too early in the morning, but still there under the same roof nonetheless.

"You don't have a lawyer."

"Okay, why is everyone in my room?" You pulled your arm away from Taehyung and sat up, Jin was still fussing over Jungkook who was now sitting up on the side of your bed. Hoseok stopped moving but remained on top of an angry Park Jimin and Namjoon, Yoongi and BangPD stood by the door watching this mess unfold before them.

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