Clarke: Doctor

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     There was blood everywhere on my body. I laid on the forest floor looking up towards the canopy. There was a ringing in my ears. I couldn't hear anything. My eyes drooped sleepily. Everyone had left. The battle was over.
     I turned over onto my stomach and dragged myself in the direction of Arkadia. Soon enough I got to a log and forced myself to sit against the the log despite the horrible pain in my leg.
     Behind me was a trail of blood. I'm not going to make it to Arkadia. It's 5 miles away. My best choice is to go to Polis, find Octavia, or anyone and to take me back to Arkadia. Great I just have to drag myself a mile.
     Before I headed out, I took a strip of fabric and tied it around my slashed leg and I took the massive leaves and poured Monty's moonshine on them. I then wrapped the leaves around my torso with it. With excruciating pain I stood up and leaned against the tree. After catching my breath, I trudged slowly, grabbing trees trunks for balance.
I don't know how long it was but I eventually arrived at Polis. I didn't hear the guards telling me to stop, so I kept going. One dropped out of the tree and pointed a sword at my neck.
"Hod op!" Lexa yelled. The warrior lowered his sword and backed up. She walked towards me. "What the hell happened?"
"Ice Nation fought with Skai-kru. I don't know how it ended, but I was injured. Twice actually. I fainted and woke up earlier today and patched myself up,"
"I'll take you to Clarke," Lexa assured. "Bring me my horse! And a horse for Amelia!" She then helped me up onto the beautiful black horse.
I leaned forward and put my face against the horses mane. I was about to fall over when Nyko caught me. Lexa then decided to bring Nyko along so I wouldn't fall off the horse.
We trekked about another half -an-hour or so to Arkadia. When we arrived, Nyko got off the horse and walked to the gate. I began to lean forward again.
"Nyko! Wait she's," Lexa started. I rolled off the horse and fell onto my back. "falling again."
"Ow." I whispered.
"Amelia! I'm so sorry!" Nyko panicked.
"It's alright. I'm not dead,"
The gates open and I heard someone running to me. It was Clarke. She stroked my face as I smiled at her. "I thought you died. Bellamy told me you were injured. He tried to go to you but you were in Ice Nation territory. He wanted to go back for you but Azgeda had already surrendered. Going back would be suicide. You were also no where to be seen. I was so worried about you! When you didn't come back 2 days ago with Bellamy, I cried like a baby. Looks like my first aid helped you survive 2 days." She ranted while she brushed my hair.
"Clarke right now is not the right time to rant about how worried you are," I croaked.
"Oh my god you're right. Nyko could you carry her to the Med Bay? I'll go call my mom."
The way to the Med Bay was a mess. I kept looking at the sky. Everything was shaky. Soon enough I was on the ground again. "Nyko why do you keep dropping me?"
"I am sorry Ameilia. I tripped. Anyone would trip seeing how beautiful you are," Nyko responded as he picked me up again.
"You think I'm beautiful?"
"I'll admit that you are pretty. But I'm sure Clarke is in love with you. She has that look in her face. Plus she worries about you," he stated. I turned to see Clarke walking towards us.
I was on a table now. A very uncomfortable one I might add. She had turned my pants into shorts-- one side was still it's original length so it was more sort of both. Clarke began to tend to my leg. She sanitized the cut and then proceeded to wipe the blood away. The blood from the cut had begun to dry up. She poured some Hydrogen Peroxide on my leg to help stop the bleeding. It burned as it touched my skin. She then stitched it back up.
"I hear that you have the hots for me." I smirked.
"What? That's ridiculous." Clarke retorted.
"Why would you tackle me and be worried about me?" inquired.
"You were already on the floor. And you are my friend. It is natural that I am worried." She responded.
"Yeah but Raven is my best friend she should be worried about me but she's not. And she definitely didn't cry over my supposed death. She probably slept in my bed because it's more comfortable."
Banging could be heard on the door. I turned to the right and saw Raven. She held up a paper that had pink and red hearts on them.
Here's the thing Raven read my journal when I was 8--we were playing hide and seek. Raven just happened to hide where my journal was-- and since then she's been teasing me about my crush on Clarke.
However Clarke was too busy wrapping my leg with a bandage to noticed. She then did the same with my stab wound. Luckily it did not injure any of my organs.
"There you go all packed up and ready to go," Clarke cheered. "Actually scratch that, You need to rest you lost a lot of blood."
"Yet I'm still awake after a mini surgery."
"You're strong I'll tell you that," Clarke commented. "That's one reason why I like you," she mumbled.
"I'm sorry what was that?"
"Nothing," Clarke prompted. "Get some rest!" She then walked out of the Med Bay passing Raven.
Raven came in and smirked, "I'll help you to your bed." We walked to the next room where the beds were, but it was crowded so Raven took me to our room. "Clarke totally has the hots for you." she exclaimed as she closed the door after helping me onto the bed.
"I've heard from Nyko. Lexa hinted at it. I mean why would she say she'd bring me to Clarke instead of 'I'll bring you to Arkadia'?" I said as I grabbed my pillow to hug.
"Dude when she was walking out, she was biting her lip! She's definitely in love with you." Raven teased.
"Get out and let me rest!" I yelled throwing the pillow.
"Radio me if you need anything!" she pointed at the radio on the night stand. I held my thumb up as Raven left the room.
     Several hours later I woke up from the nap and Raven was sleeping on her bed. I then looked at the clock in the room; it read 3:42AM. My stomach started growling.
     I slowly removed the blankets off me and grabbed the crutch Raven left for me. My face scrunched up when I felt how uncomfortable it was. I then decided to just limp my way to the dining hall.
     The door squeaked and Raven stirred in her bed. I knew the Ark well enough to take a shortcut to the dining hall. When I arrived Clarke sat at one of the tables with a cup of tea.
     "Tea usually helps me fall asleep when I'm being kept up at night," I told. She jumped and spilled her tea. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. So what's keeping you up Clarke? Is it me? I'm fine. I promise."
     "Can't really lie when you can read me easily," She chuckled. "Tea has caffeine in it so it should make you more awake but it makes me sleepy."
     "Because warm milk and honey is added," We finished in unison. I smiled to her and got something to eat. I sat across from her and ate my food.
     "I'm fine Clarke go to sleep," I assured. I patted her hand and walked away. "Goodnight Clarke."
     The next morning when I woke Raven was working at the desk. "Morning," Raven spoke.
     "Morning Ray. I'm gonna go for a walk," I replied and grabbed the radio. "I'll call you if I need you okay?"
     "Don't go outside the gate," she warned without looking up from her work.
     When I was outside I walked about 10 step before I tripped on a piece of string, having mud poured on me.
     Laughing could be heard nearby and I knew who it was. "Jasper! Get you butt over here!" I yelled as I chased him. Jasper ran and jumped onto the rover.
     I tired to follow but my foot got caught on side step and I fell over. An audible crack can be heard as I fell. "JASPER! YOU DUMBASS! OW!" I screamed.
     "Who told you to run after me?" Jasper questioned.
     Clarke was running over to me and helped remove my foot from the rover. She helped me up but I stumbled into her arms.
     In the infirmary, Clarke popped my ankle back into its socket and used KT tape to wrap up my ankle. She then gave me an ankle brace to wear.
     "Even before Azgenda, you are always in here. I always have to patch you up. Why do you get hurt so much?" Clarke grumbled.
     "Maybe I just want to see you more," I suggested. Clarke started to blush as she smiled. "I really enjoy your company Clarke. You should smile more. You need a little bit of happiness in your life."
     "Then would you be my source of happiness?" Clarke interrupted.
     I grabbed her by her nape and pulled her closer to me and kisses her for about 5 seconds. When we pulled away, I asked, "Does that answer your question?"
     "Yeah. It does."
     Another series of banging on the wall came from Raven. Clarke and I both looked over to see Raven with a piece of paper with a circle on the top corner of the diamond. Second Base.
     I sighed and Clarke smirked. She pulled me in for another kiss. Raven eventually left. Clarke then held my hand and smiled.
     Who knew that my clumsiness and injuries would lead me to having a girlfriend?

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