Raven: Comfort

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It was about dinner time when I saw that he smiled. I saw that he laughed. Instantly, I became angry. As hungry as I was, I did not stay. I turned to walk away, but I bumped into my brother. "You're not going to eat? My baby sister? Not eating? You love food. I could even call you a pig sometimes" he confessed.
     "Well I could call you a cockroach most of the time" I retorted as I walked past him. "I'm not in the mood to eat."
     "Ok bye," He yelled. "I'll save you a plate cuz I know you'll be whining about it later!"
I knew my brother well. If I went back to our room he'd question me non-stop to make me feel better. He'll even dance; like an idiot. And I do not need my eyes damaged. Again.
I stormed down the hallways turning left and right. When the door was in sight, I sped up. After ten steps I reached the door, turned the knob and walked in. I then slammed the door and dragged myself about five more steps before I flopped onto the lumpy mattress. A dreadful scream was muffled by a fluff-less pillow.
The sound of metal hitting wood could be heard from the right. "Jeez don't do that! This is the third time I've almost blew up The Ark!" Raven exclaimed. "How would you like it if I came into your room slammed the door and screamed?"
I flipped over into a star position and stared at the ceiling. "Sorry Ray. I didn't realize you were in here. I planned to take a nap," I explained. What a lame excuse. I would've walked in quietly if I were taking a nap.
"Kate. You hate my bed. You said it feels like laying on a jagged cliff," Raven reminded as she turned herself sixty degrees to the right to face me. "You would would rather lay on the floor. The metallic hard floor!" Raven announced as she stomped the floor twice. "So what's up? This is unlike you."
I sat up and sighed, "Well maybe it's because my heart has been ripped out of my chest and crushed into a million pieces."
Raven plastered a confused face as she spoke, "I thought the break up was mutual." She sat at the foot of the bed and placed her hand on my knee.
"It was. It was mutual," I admitted. "It was but I didn't want it to end. Yes we drifted apart and I suggested we try and fix our relationship; start communicating again but he said 'no it's a little too late for that'. Sigh. I'm just mad that he didn't even try to repair our relationship,". Tears began and fell down my cheeks as I explained to Raven. "The worst part is that I still care. I packed some snacks for him when he went on hunts. I patched up his cuts when Clarke was busy."
Warm arms engulfed me as Raven pulled me closer to her. "Oh Kate, the world doesn't deserve someone as kind as you. Especially someone who loves to snuggle," Raven chuckled. "If you didn't tell me that Murphy was your brother I would have never guessed," she stated as she removed her arms around me.
     "Why because he's a rude jerk that only cares for himself and also does not look like me what-so-ever?" I piped. "He's actually not bad of a brother. He cares. You know he used to sing in the shower. Man puberty was not a good time to here him sing." It was quiet as we made eye contacted before we bursted into laughter.
We both moved to the edge of the bed after we calmed down from the laughter with our legs hung down. Raven's hand hugged my waist. My feet hovered an inch off the floor, while Raven's touched the ground. I positioned my head on her left shoulder and closed my eyes. "Thanks Raven." I yawned.
"You better not be falling asleep! I have bombs to build! A mountain to destroy! People to kill!" Raven declared.
I opened my eyes and looked at Raven's desk. A shocked expression was shown on my face. "A bomb is supposed to be in a shape of a cube with a cylinder sticking out of it?" I laughed.
"What! You weren't supposed to see that!" Raven panicked. She jumped up from the bed and dashed across the room like a cheetah. She quickly pulled a box from under the desk and hid the object in it. She locked the box and put it aside.
"I can pick locks Raven. My brother taught me," I reassured. I stood from the bed and waltzed over to her desk with my hands behind me. However, Raven glared at me, beckoning me to go back to the bed.
I didn't go back. Instead, I bear hugged Raven. I knocked her over with the force forgetting about her leg. She groaned before she chuckled. Raven then flipped us over and plopped onto me crushing me in the process. "You're right Katie, The ground is so much better than my bed," Raven smiled.
"Eh. Ray! I can't breathe," I protested.
"That's what you get for knocking me over," she replied as she rolled over. She lifted her left leg and placed it on my torso.
"Shouldn't we be getting up?" I questioned.
"Shut up. This is comfortable, and this is how you get over your ex! Cuddling with your best-friend!" Raven explained. "But we should probably move to the bed. The floor is hurting my back!"
"For the record Raven, I never said I didn't like your bed. I hate your bed sheets though. Made me itchy," I reasoned. I removed Raven's leg and pulled her up to the bed. "Luckily you changed your bed sheets last week when you accidentally burned them. So I'm good to cuddle."
    "Katie are you in there?" Murphy knocked. "I brought you some food," Murphy slowly opened the door with a plate of food in his left hand. He then puts on the food on Raven's desk. "Ooh a snuggle party?"
     "Girls only John. Thanks for the food. You can leave now," I commanded.
     "Okay. If I don't find you in your bed tomorrow morning then I'll assume you will be in here. Goodnight. Also, I punched Kevin in the face. He had a smug look on his face and I didn't like it. Just letting you know," he explained.
     "Thanks! See you tomorrow," I responded. Click the sound of the door closing shut. I turned my head and was met with Raven smiling. "He heard us talking," I assured.
     "I would've punched the guy too. Now shut up and cuddle with me" she mumbled.
     "Wait my food," I said as I sat up.
     "Forget about the food and just cuddle with me. I'm willing to be behind on my work just for you," she scolded. I pouted and Raven kissed me. "You're so cute." I complied to her request and laid back down. We soon fell asleep in each other's embrace.
     The next morning I went on my usual stroll around the woods and I stayed at the waterfall.
     Hearing the water gushing made me smile. I sat down, closed my eyes and tilted my head up as the water droplets wet my face.
     "Boo!" someone yelled shoving me.
     "Ray. Shouldn't you be working?" I asked not opening my eyes.
     She unzipped her bag and took something out. Click. I heard. Click. Click. "Raven what are you doing?" I asked. I moved to sit up and look at Raven but I didn't see her. I stood up to look for her but I still couldn't find her. I felt her though. I felt her push me into the water. I got up and flipped the hair out of my face. Click. "What the hell Raven? The water is so cold! And you touched my breasts! What is wrong with you!" I yelled.
     I saw her clutching her stomach laughing her head off. I got out of the water and started to tickle her. Click. Click.
     I made sure she didn't have any electronic device on her. Afterwards I carried her bridal style and threw her into the water. Now it was my turn to laugh. I jumped in and joined Raven and we splashed each other repeatedly. Click. Click.
     We got out of the water and laid on the rocks and stared at the blue sky. Click. "No seriously Raven don't you have work," I asked.
"What are there gonna do when I don't? Float me?" she responded. "We should probably be heading back thought. I need to finish my project". She sat up and pulled me up. We skipped back to Arkadia. Click. "I'll probably be busy until after dinner so come find me later okay?" Raven asked.
I nodded and walked to my room. I pushed the door open and saw that my brother had his legs rested on the desk. I moved his legs off of it so I could get to the closet. "Someone went splashy splashy in the water," He smirked.
I stared at him in disbelief. "Are you on drugs? You've said stupid stuff before but that was by far the stupidest thing you've ever said,"
"So you and Raven?" John ignored. "I see some sparks flying!" he sang. I blushed and rolled my eyes. "I knew this would happen. Ever since you met her the morning she fell from the sky, I guess for you she'd be an
angel that fell from the sky to bring you joy," he teased.
"Shut up Jonathan Murphy,". I stepped into the bathroom and changed my clothes.
     After dinner, John dragged me to Raven's room. When I was inside everyone was there. "Happy Birthday!" They shouted.
     "My baby sister is 17," John cheered. "All grown up. Even though she's a year younger than me," he wiped a fake tear.
     I rolled my eyes and walked to Raven. "I'm guessing you planned this," I offered.
     "We all did. You brought everyone here happiness at least once. You deserve this," Raven smiled. "Did you open your presents yet?" I blinked my eyes in confusion. Since when was presents a thing on Earth? I thought. "Here open mine first!"
     Raven handed me the box that she used to hide the cubed cylinder thing. I opened the box and found a camera. My eyes lit up and I hugged her "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I shouted. I pulled away with a big goofy grin on my face.
     "And look I already took some high quality pictures!" she stared.
     When I looked in the box. There were photos. Photos from today. I looked at Raven and sighed, "I love you!" She smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I kissed her back. It was a passionate and lovely kiss.
     "I love you too," Raven repeated. "Would you be my girlfriend?"
     "You know my answer. Of course," I pulled Raven in for another kiss.
     "Okay that's our cue to leave," Octavia declared. Everyone laughed and left the room. Raven and I just cuddled in her bed for the rest of the night.

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