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Hyung ah.. I don't remember when was my last time calling you formally.

How are you in the new place.. Do you got bullied? Hope you're good there. Me here... Suffering. I really can't stand to be alone without a listener. Can you come back?

I'm totally I'm trauma because I still don't believe you just left like this... I do secretly visit you. You saw my flowers daily. It is always fresh.

You should keep your collection.. I remember I ask ur parents to buried along with you. So number...


Wait.. I can't recall...

I lose track of it. Shitz man.

Let me count...

One... Two... Three..... Okay.. It is number tenth..

From my graduation robe.. I secret plug it off. I'm done with uni.

Work world.. Please support me bro. I'm leaving now cause it is going to rain and my sister didnt bring umbrella.. Thank you. For everything.


buttons ★ meanieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora